It's Tuesday 10 time with Sam at
Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides
{ONE} I NEVER win giveaways but I won the sephora gift card and samples that Sam at airplane rides and guacamole sides was giving away for her blog birthday! I'm SOOO excited! Made my week!
{TWO} I just completed my THIRD kikilarue purchase in one week! I may or may not have a problem! 😳
{THREE} So the boss brought sopipilla cheese cake yesterday...I have had it for breakfast two days in a row and don't feel bad about it!
{FOUR} Why does my dog like to get snot rags and diapers out of the trash to chew on?! He is the bet dog but if given the chance he will chew a diaper or snot rag in a min! Friggin sick!
{FIVE} My lips have been chapped for a solid moth or more now and I can't get them better! Seriously peeling off layer by layer I have cuts in the corner of my lips! I have tried a million things and nothing. Any ideas?!?
{SIX} I swear my husband waits until he walks in the door at night to make or take any phone calls! Last night a school board member the night before a parent and player! It's his job and I'm thankful for it but I think these people often forget he does have a wife and two young children!
{SEVEN} Hubby and I are talking about starting the home buying process which is huge for a coaching family! This process is a true test of your marriage! We will either buy a house or get a divorce. Fingers crossed for option 1!
{EIGHT} My sis (6yrs younger) had her final dress fitting last weekend! They sent me pics cause I couldn't be there...I cried like a baby! I'm gonna have to get a grip if I'm gonna stand next to her! My ugly face crying will ruin all the pics!
{NINE} In reference to #3 and #8 this can only mean one thing in a females life! Aunt flow must be on the way {tmi I know} but it's true when your a woman and u start eating everything in sight, crying and being a bitch 24/7 it can only mean one thing!
{TEN} Got my embroidery machine this weekend and I have been having a blast practicing away! Stay tuned I will be posting some stuff this week!
Hope everyone has a fabulous week! Baseball again tonight! Go cardinals!