Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday Ten!

Here is another Tuesday 10 for ya with Sam at Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides!
Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten
One. I started a fb page for my business! Find it on fb 4th & Stitches! Within 24 hours I was almost to 100 likes! It's a small number but a great start! Go like it! 

Two. T-ball game last night we were warming up outside the third base dugout. All the parents waiting outside to take our kids stuff in. A mom from the other team walked in while the other team was still getting out and started putting their buckets in the dugout! At this time our kids were in left field warming up! She said we have this dugout! Really?!? This is T-ball! 

Three. I was really tempted to bribe the kids with Ice cream if they won but I didn't and we won! 20-5 and it never felt so good! 

Four. I am LOVING this weather but HATING the allergies that are coming with it! 

Five. My baby boy had his TWO year well check yesterday...yep at age 2.5 I'm that mom! He is in the 50% for weight and 91% for height! Not sure where te height came from he has the shortest parents ever! Enjoy it while it last little buddy! 

Six. My friend Holly's mom is still at the hospice hose and their family needs lots of prayers y'all. Please and thank you! 

Seven. Woke up at 7:25 this morning and was out the door with both kids at 7:40. Got them both to their school/sitter and was 5 min early to work! I pretty much feel like a rock star even if I do look a little ROUGH haha 

Eight. My oldest turns 6 and graduates pre-k in one month! Excuse me while I burst in to tears! How is this even possible?!?

Nine. Recieved my sisters wedding invite in the mail yesterday! Shit just got real! 

Ten. Between 8&9 I'm sure to be an emotional wreck for the month of may and part of June! Sorry in advance! 

Happy Tuesday Friends! 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Oh Monday!

It's Monday and I'm not the least bit happy about that but it's also my mother in law & Grandmother in laws birthday! That does make me happy! 

When people hear the words mother and inlaw together they usually cringe! Not me I'm lucky! My mother in law is absolutely amazing and I feel so blessed to call her mine! 

I must say when Jason and I started dating I was worried! For starters he is the baby and we all know how that goes with most moms! They act all cray when a female comes around and tries to be with their baby boy! I say this because this will prob be me with BOTH my boys! Haha Secondly hubby is 12 years you get than his brother and 14 years younger than his sister. This makes his parents the age of my grandparents so I was worried about how we would have anything in common! 

I was wrong on #1 & 2! We get along great! She doesn't get in our business unless we ask for her advice and is always there for us no matter what! Not only is she great to us but even better to the boys! 

Brayden and her are pretty much best friends and he gets whatever he wants! Tate does too but Brayden and her have a very special bond that I can't explain. It reminds me so much of the bond Jason had with his grandmother! I am so thankful for that! 

My mother in law went through hell and back about 2.5 years ago and I am so glad that she is still here with us and healthy as can be. She inspires me to be a better person daily! 

Today is also Jason's late grandmother's birthday! I miss that sweet woman so very much! She died the October before Jason and I got married! She treated Jason much like Jason's mom treats Brayden! Except his grandmother lived with them for most of his life! She would wake him up so she could make his bed and breakfast! Everyone jokes that he slept with her till he graduated! He really did ask her to go to college with him but she said she didn't think she could go that far! Haha He really was rotten to the core! 

So Happy Monday and Happy Birthday to my sweet Mother & Grandmother in law!! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday Inspiration!

It's Thursday and it's been a week and it's not over yet. It's one of those weeks where it sucks to be a coach's wife. There are a million different things going on I need to be 27 places at once and my husband is out of town at the area track meet! Some moms do this on the daily and I can't even tell you how friggin awesome I think you are! I usually do just fine alone but it's like everything hit at once in the worst way this week! 

So I needed some inspirational quotes/ sayings to get me through! 

Happy Thursday Friends! Friday is right around the corner! :) 


What a day/week already!?!? 

Posted this yesterday but it never published...crazy phone! 

In need of lots of prayers friends! Not for me but for one of my very good friends and her family as her mothers battle with Cancer is coming to a close and her body is tired of fighting. 

I spent most of the night last night with her and her family/ friends at the hospice house. I must say I have been trough deaths several times but this is different. Way different and much more difficult! 

All I can keep thinking is how I would feel in her shoes, I want to take her pain away and make her mom all better. I want to kick cancers ass for ruining so many peoples life's! So many emotions running through my mind 24/7! 

So tonight when you pray please pray for te Holden/Fish family they sure could use it! It's going to be a rough road ahead. Thanks friends! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday 10!!!!

It's Tuesday friends! Bye bye Monday we won't miss ya & come on Friday we are already ready for ya!

As always I'm linking up with Sam for

Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

1. Still suffering from an Easter Hangover and it's Tuesday! I need my body to go ahead and return to normal from running 100mph in 10 differnt directions and eating an obscene amount of candy! 

2. Saturday we went to the store to get some essentials: last min Easter stuff and Beer! My mom who is turning 50 this week got carded! If that's not the most kick ass early bday present I don't know what is! 

3. Asked the 5 year old to go check on the two year old in the bath. It is really quiet so I go back to check and he had gotten him out of the bath and was putting on his diaper! I died laughing! 

4. I have now spent a total of $90 this month due to locking my keys in my car twice! Yep that wasn't in the budget! 

5. Note to all my friends with AT&T call and threaten to change to t mobile! They will give you a better phone plan! I am now saving 120 a MONTH!!! #yourwelcome 

6. Since we failed to make the kids any confetti eggs this year they decided to break the hard boiled eggs over each others heads! My mother in laws drive prob smells awful and cleaning egg out off their hair wasn't so fun...bet we don't forget next year! 

7. When I hear the words student loans I want to cry! Will those damn things EVER go away?!? No the answer is no! I'll be paying on those damn things till I die! 

8. Nothing frustrates me more than when my 2.5 yr old walks up and says "momma I poop" what part of telling me BEFORE do you not understand! I'm not sure he will ever be potty trained! 

9. I have not purchased anything online in about 2 weeks or more. This is a record and I deserve an award! I will prob go ahead and break that record today! 

10. Brayden's 6th birthday is in 5 weeks and I haven't done a single thing to start planning! Once again I have got to get my crap together! 

Have a great Tuesday friends! :) 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend FUN!

Started my weekend with Friday off and it just kept getting better! 

My parents, sis and soon to be brother in law came to town which is always fun! I took my sisters bridal portraits and senior pics Saturday then we had a fish fry! It was delish! 

On Easter we woke up early let the kids see their buckets and hunt a few eggs at home before we loaded up to head to my in laws! 

Brayden's Bucket 
Tate's Bucket! 

My family joined us at my in laws which almost never happens! It pretty much made my Easter! It seems like every holiday it's a struggle to figure out who's turn it is to "have" us! I hope we ca do this more often! I don't think they realize the stress it takes off us! 

We ate then flew kites just like we do every year! 
My nephews got stuck so they roped it out! The advantages of having cowboys in our family! 
Little monster decided to play in the ashes! 
But I got my family pic pre-ashes! 

All in all it was a great day with lots of time with family laughing till we cried and eating till we couldn't eat anymore!

Hope all of you had a blessed day also! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Five on Friday!

Happy Friday y'all! I'm off work today and couldn't be more excited to spend the day with my boys! It's been a while since I have had a day off because I asked for it rather than a sick child! 

Decided to do 5 on Friday: Easter traditions! 

1: First thing we do is wake up and let the kids see what the Easter bunny brought! Then hunt eggs at our house! 

2. Go to church...this year we won't be making it because of family functions but usually we do go! 

3. My mother in law generally gives all the kids kites for Easter and after our big lunch we usually fly Kites! The kids love it and it's become a tradition! They live in the country so it's fun! 

4. My Nieces hide eggs at my mother in laws for the young ones to hunt in my in laws HUGE front yard! 

5. Last but not least pictures pictures and more pictures! We usually take family pics on Easter! It's one of the few times we are all together! 

Hope Everyone has a fabulous Easter weekend! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Oh hump day....

Happy Hump Day Friends! 

To help you all get through this hump day I decided to share some of my favorite E-Cards! Who doesn't love a good e-card?!?

 Just yes! 

It's me I'm right I'm always right! I almost have him trained! 


I had my first child almost 6 years ago and I keep wondering if I will ever have my shit together again?!? 

Can't wait for this day! I probably won't DIY if this happens I'll pay someone! 

Hope these brightened your day just a little! :) 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday 10...

Tuesdays only mean one thing here: linking up with  Sam  For:
Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

1. The stomach bug is the devil...no further explanation needed! 

2. Decided on a name for my business....drum roll please!!!!! 4th and Stitches :) 

3. That moment when your two year old says "momma u hair is crazy you need a shower" ---I mean they don't know how to lie yet. #truthhurts 

4. Yesterday my oldest {5 years old} asked if we could go back home because he forgot to put hair gel in his hair to make him "more handsome" 

5. I don't ever watch the voice but while channel surfing I saw Kat singing. She is the REAL deal! Goosebumps and all! 

6. Don't you hate when you miss a day of work and come back to 453,567,765 sticky notes all over your desk of things to do?!  Yep pet peeve here! 

7. Every Monday my hubby and I watch Dallas together...tv date night we call it because it's the only show we can agree on! Last night was season finale and I'm sad! 

8. Mother Nature deserves a swift kick in the rear! We were enjoying the warm temps then she changes it back to cool! We are over cool/cold and don't care to see it until November! 

9. Working on a design for the business which do you like: 

10. Sometimes I want Pintrest to die! Thrsday is the Easter party at my sons school and I'm assigned cupcakes or cookies! I can't be that mom and just make plain old cookies/ cupcakes! Time to start pinning Easter treats so I can be up with all te other Pintrest moms!

Happy Tuesday Friends :) 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekend Wrap UP!

What a weekend! 90mph from start to finish! Ready Set GO! 

Friday night our oldest had an Easter play! It lasted all of 10 min but was cute and he had a speaking part and did great! 

Next up baseball game that started 15 min after the Easter play! Changed his clothes in the car raced across town and made it just in time! They played Brayden best friends team and they won! 

The game finished at 9 and we headed to Austin! 3 hours away! Once again not my brightest idea! 

Saturday we had my sisters wedding shower that was super simple cute and fun! 

Then a Surprise 50th birthday party for my momma! She had no idea and her reaction was priceless! 
My sis, mom and I :)

It was a great weekend till I woke up with the stomach bug Sunday morning! Mommy immune system FAIL!!! 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Friday Favs

It's Friday and I couldn't be more excited! I think I say that every Friday! This weekend is filled with family and friends and a big suprise {check back Monday to see what it is}! 

Haven't done a favorites post in a while so here goes! 

{one} My Advocare Spark! My every day saving grace! I haven't had a dr pepper since December & I don't drink coffee! It's my get up and go juice! If you haven't jumped on that bandwagon do it like yesterday! 

{two} Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton! I mean I could listen to their music all day long and look at them too! I'd be completly satisfied no lie! 

{three} Any and ALL things monogrammed! Duh I just got a machine and it has consumed my life! Hope to decide on a name and make a website! 

{four} About a month ago I bought Ultas brand of mineral loose powder! It is amazing and has helped my face not to revert to my teenage years! It was cheap too which makes it even better! 

{five} Jamberry nails! These thins are awesome I just bought three sheets! Pics will be up as soon as I get them! 

Have a happy Friday and a GREAT weekend friends! 

Buying a house...

So buying a house is already a stressful process for anyone! As a coaches family it's extremely nerve racking because you may be at a school for 1 year or 5 it's always changing! 

But after two years here we feel like it's time! We LOVE this town and everyone here! Most people buy a house with intentions of staying at least 5 years to make sure you get your money back! That's a long time for a coaches family! 

So far we have contacted a lender and started this crazy process of giving them everything from your bank account info to your underwear size and blood type. I have decided we will either buy a house or get a divorce! Fingers crossed for option one! 

We are both tight with money so we don't want to buy anything over the top! He is fine with buying a fixer up! I am not because let's be honest it won't get done! He is a coach and is never home! I may have my blonde moments but I am smarter than that! So far every house he has liked I have not and the ones I like he doesn't! 

Are we the only ones this has happened to?!? Surely not! Please tell me no! 

Anyone have experience with buying a house you don't love with intentions to fix it? How did that work out for you! 

Fingers crossed and praying for this to go smoothly and no one to get hurt in the process! Any and all advice accepted! 

Hope everyone has a fabulous Thursday! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday 10!

Linking up with Sam for Airplane rides and guacamole sides
Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

1: Prayers for my sanity this week would be greatly appreciated...hubby has track meets FOUR nights this week! 

2. I have almost monogrammed every damn thing in my house. Hubby asked if my undies are next! If he doesn't watch it I'll be embroidering his to say "property of mrs Payne" on the butt! Hahaha 

3. Last night was a two glasses of wine kind of night by Friday I feel like I may need an entire bottle! 

4. Still no name for my business but I am creating all kinda of super fun stuff and just found a place to order really cute shirts, hats and bags! GET excited! 

5. Can I get an amen for the Rain the past two days?!? We need it soo bad but just rain no tornadoes! 

6. Friday Brayden has an Easter play. I asked the teacher how Long it would last Bc he also has a baseball game. She said 10 minutes. Really just 10 min. I mean I know it's hard to keep 4-5 yr olds attention but really?!? 

7. The amount of papers Brayden brings home from Pre-K is insane! I can't possibly keep them all but I can't throw them away! Right now they are all in a drawer and range from one line on a page to writing his name! Gonna have to start filtering but how?!? 

8. I sure do love spring time temps but the allergies that have come with it aren't cool! Not even a little bit! 

9.  Saw a commercial for light up shoes this am! I thought those things were history?!? Hope my kids don't want a pair because I just can't! 

10. Nothing makes me feel better than when my kids clean their plate with my most effortless dinner : sloppy joes! Winning! 

Happy Tuesday! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Never stop dating!

Just like many other married couples with kids and a busy busy life my husband and I rarely go on dates! As a matter if fact I can not tell you when our last one was! I have read so many places lately about making sure you still date after marriage and decided it was a sign! 

I told him a few weeks in advance and got a sitter for the kids! Nothing came up and it actually happened! We went on a date! 
Date night outfit! 

Nothing fancy or over the top just the two of us! We had planned to do dinner and go to a concert but after dinner the concert didn't start for another hour and we were tired so we decided to get a movie and go home! Those of you with kids will completly understand our lameness (if that's even a word)! 

The most important thing about this date night was we remembered how much we enjoyed each other's company! We laughed and had a great time with each other! It's something we def plan to try and do monthly and I encourage you to do the same! 

I feel like we often get lost in the shuffle 
Of Taking kids here and there and going no stop! It's so very important in your relationship to remember how it all started and what go you to where you are now! That's what Saturday night did for us and I am so glad we did it! 

Have a Happy Monday friends. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Coaches Wife 411

I have almost completed my 5th year as a football coaches wife. To most five years doesn't seem like much but it really is a lot when you take into consideration all that has happened.

Since my husband started coaching 5 years ago we have: moved 4 times, changed schools 3 times, had our second child and met LOTS of amazing people along the way.

My husband closed his personal business of welding/ building metal buildings and houses to become a coach. HUGE pay cut and people thought we were nuts. They still might but he wasn't happy and he was always stressed. Coaching was something he had wanted to do for a long time but the money aspect scared him away. After much convincing and consideration he decided he wanted to do something with benefits, that he loved and was a little less stressful.

It was by far the BEST thing we have ever decided to do. I say we because when you have a coach for a husband your in it together from day one. He was already gone a lot working for himself so the time away from us wasn't terrible to get use to except we had a 1.5 yr old and he missed his daddy. Our first year we were with an amazing staff who taught us more than we could have ever imagined about this new lifestyle we had chosen.

Like I say since day one I have been involved in everything possible as far as his career goes. We attend other sporting events besides football, we invite kids over for dinner, Jason helps them to find summer jobs, the kids and I attend EVERY game rain, sleet or snow and so much more. It helps my husband to do his job so much better when he knows we are behind him every step of the way and we are in it with him,

I won't lie one bit when I say it hasn't always been butterflies and roses. There have been times when we wanted to throw in the towel and be done but then we realized any thing you do is going to have ups and downs you just have to roll with the punches.

One of the hardest things for me to adjust to was sitting in the stands hearing fans yell down right AWFUL things about my husband and the other coaches. I wanted more than anything to turn around and tell them off. I wanted to let them know that my husband sees their children more than his own and spends at least 18 out of 24 hours in the day focused on just football from June-November. I wanted to tell them maybe if you child would do what he is suppose to you wouldn't be yelling at my husband. But the fact is that won't get you anywhere and it's best to hold your tongue and not let them get to you. Let it go in one ear and out the other. And in the case that your husband didn't hear it its best not to bring it up.

People are going to praise you when you do well and slam you when you don't its all part of this crazy life we live in. After 5 years I can now say 95% of what I hear in the stands doesn't phase me at all. I have become pretty good at ignoring it. When family comes to the game they are usually blown away by at least one comment and most of the time I don't even hear it.

Another thing I have adjusted to is not having a husband from July-November and if you make the pay offs sometimes December. In July when camp starts I usually kiss Jason and tell him see ya in November or if we are really lucky December. People think it's crazy but its true. Once they start it doesn't stop. Camp, 7v7, two a days, then school starts and after school practices. Then Freshman and JV games on Thursdays, Varsity on Friday and Game planning Saturday and Sunday. My kids usually don't see Jason from Sunday evening if they are awake when he comes in until Friday after the game on the field. I see him a little more often because I try and stay up but usually its just in passing. Some people say I don't know how you do it but I really wouldn't have it any other way.

Then every year around February contract renewal time comes around and you wonder if your head coach is going to get renewed, look for another job, take you with them if they get another job or if your husband is going to be on the job hunt himself. It's a crazy stressful time of the year and it eats at me every year. Even after 5 years I still panic around this time and run all the scenarios though my head! It never does me any good and we always end up somewhere with a job! Glad we r past this point now! 

We are so lucky to be in this profession really. We get to meet so many kids and really change some of their life's for the better. We stay in touch with several of our past players. Our boys have more big brothers than they can count and LOVE the time they get to spend with the team. It's a different type of lifestyle for sure especially in Texas where High school football is SERIOUS!

I could not be more blessed to be living this life I have been given!

***Just to be clear this post doesn't mean we or anyone else is leaving our current school or anything! Just a random post about being a coaches wife*** 


Tuesday 10

Linking up with Sam from Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides For :
Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

{ONE} Don't u hate when you lock your keys in your car, your spare is in your purse in the car and it cost $45 to get them out! Yep that sucks. That is a new pair of shoes!!!

{TWO} Is it inappropriate to flip off a four year old?!? Ok I know it is but I almost did when I dropped off my oldest yesterday and she looked at me and said "why you not wear make up?" 

{THREE} After #2 I went to the car and put on some mascara! Lil girl made me self conscious! In my defense I had it in the car to put on I just hadn't done it yet. 

{FOUR} I am in monogramming heaven! Look at my new shorts: 

{FIVE} I'm having an online Jamberry party on Facebook. You Should check it out! Ask me about it! Look how cute:

{SIX} I received my free gift from Sam @Airplane rides and guac sides and omg! I'm so excited to use all my new goodies and spend my giftcard! 

{SEVEN} I have received 5 packages from online shopping in the past week! Retail therapy at it's finest! 

{EIGHT} Nothing more aggravating than having Mickeys "hot dog hot dog hit diggity dog" stuck in your head all day! Caught my self singing it at a red light! 

{NINE} Called  by another mom today at Brayden's school...I was running late as usual and she says are you off today?!? Nope nope I'm not just running late as usual! I think it's time for me to make more of an effort to be on time...now we all know this won't happen but I really am gonna try! 

{TEN} I need a name for my new monogramming/ embroidery business! Help a sister out and give me some ideas! 

Have a fab Tuesday! :)