Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday 10...

Tuesdays only mean one thing here: linking up with  Sam  For:
Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

1. The stomach bug is the devil...no further explanation needed! 

2. Decided on a name for my business....drum roll please!!!!! 4th and Stitches :) 

3. That moment when your two year old says "momma u hair is crazy you need a shower" ---I mean they don't know how to lie yet. #truthhurts 

4. Yesterday my oldest {5 years old} asked if we could go back home because he forgot to put hair gel in his hair to make him "more handsome" 

5. I don't ever watch the voice but while channel surfing I saw Kat singing. She is the REAL deal! Goosebumps and all! 

6. Don't you hate when you miss a day of work and come back to 453,567,765 sticky notes all over your desk of things to do?!  Yep pet peeve here! 

7. Every Monday my hubby and I watch Dallas together...tv date night we call it because it's the only show we can agree on! Last night was season finale and I'm sad! 

8. Mother Nature deserves a swift kick in the rear! We were enjoying the warm temps then she changes it back to cool! We are over cool/cold and don't care to see it until November! 

9. Working on a design for the business which do you like: 

10. Sometimes I want Pintrest to die! Thrsday is the Easter party at my sons school and I'm assigned cupcakes or cookies! I can't be that mom and just make plain old cookies/ cupcakes! Time to start pinning Easter treats so I can be up with all te other Pintrest moms!

Happy Tuesday Friends :) 


  1. pinterest is ruining my mother-loving life now that Kaleb is in school and I gotta take cute shit. damnit.
