Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday Ten!

Here is another Tuesday 10 for ya with Sam at Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides!
Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten
One. I started a fb page for my business! Find it on fb 4th & Stitches! Within 24 hours I was almost to 100 likes! It's a small number but a great start! Go like it! 

Two. T-ball game last night we were warming up outside the third base dugout. All the parents waiting outside to take our kids stuff in. A mom from the other team walked in while the other team was still getting out and started putting their buckets in the dugout! At this time our kids were in left field warming up! She said we have this dugout! Really?!? This is T-ball! 

Three. I was really tempted to bribe the kids with Ice cream if they won but I didn't and we won! 20-5 and it never felt so good! 

Four. I am LOVING this weather but HATING the allergies that are coming with it! 

Five. My baby boy had his TWO year well check yesterday...yep at age 2.5 I'm that mom! He is in the 50% for weight and 91% for height! Not sure where te height came from he has the shortest parents ever! Enjoy it while it last little buddy! 

Six. My friend Holly's mom is still at the hospice hose and their family needs lots of prayers y'all. Please and thank you! 

Seven. Woke up at 7:25 this morning and was out the door with both kids at 7:40. Got them both to their school/sitter and was 5 min early to work! I pretty much feel like a rock star even if I do look a little ROUGH haha 

Eight. My oldest turns 6 and graduates pre-k in one month! Excuse me while I burst in to tears! How is this even possible?!?

Nine. Recieved my sisters wedding invite in the mail yesterday! Shit just got real! 

Ten. Between 8&9 I'm sure to be an emotional wreck for the month of may and part of June! Sorry in advance! 

Happy Tuesday Friends! 

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