Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday 10

Linking up with Sam from Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides For :
Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

{ONE} Don't u hate when you lock your keys in your car, your spare is in your purse in the car and it cost $45 to get them out! Yep that sucks. That is a new pair of shoes!!!

{TWO} Is it inappropriate to flip off a four year old?!? Ok I know it is but I almost did when I dropped off my oldest yesterday and she looked at me and said "why you not wear make up?" 

{THREE} After #2 I went to the car and put on some mascara! Lil girl made me self conscious! In my defense I had it in the car to put on I just hadn't done it yet. 

{FOUR} I am in monogramming heaven! Look at my new shorts: 

{FIVE} I'm having an online Jamberry party on Facebook. You Should check it out! Ask me about it! Look how cute:

{SIX} I received my free gift from Sam @Airplane rides and guac sides and omg! I'm so excited to use all my new goodies and spend my giftcard! 

{SEVEN} I have received 5 packages from online shopping in the past week! Retail therapy at it's finest! 

{EIGHT} Nothing more aggravating than having Mickeys "hot dog hot dog hit diggity dog" stuck in your head all day! Caught my self singing it at a red light! 

{NINE} Called  by another mom today at Brayden's school...I was running late as usual and she says are you off today?!? Nope nope I'm not just running late as usual! I think it's time for me to make more of an effort to be on time...now we all know this won't happen but I really am gonna try! 

{TEN} I need a name for my new monogramming/ embroidery business! Help a sister out and give me some ideas! 

Have a fab Tuesday! :) 


  1. Your legs are so damn skinny!!! Make me sick! And PS- I need those shorts with the monogram ASAP! :)

  2. Man this jamberry craze is EVERYWHERE right now!
