What a WEEK?!? I mentioned Tuesday that the 2 year old was climbing out of his bed and we might move him to a big boy bed. Problem is I don't think he is ready. When do you know they are really ready?
He started climibing out regularly this weekend...and NEVER has stopped. And he is a PRO at it...like out of the bed and opening the door before I get back to the living room. He has always been my child who I lay down in his crib and he goes right to sleep. No rocking, no reading, no sippy cup nothing just lay down let me go to bed myself. My first child did NOT do this...they have been polar oposites for the most part. They are both super laid back but my youngest is my strong willed child that has given us a run for our money since he was about 18 months old.
Spankings don't seem to phase him. He is constantly pushing boundries and testing us. I always tell my husband it's his fault we are paying for his raising! haha I was the perfect child so it can't be becasue of me!
Anywho back to the crib climber. So after him doing it several times Sunday night and ending up in our bed. Which NEVER happens. He is 25 months and has not spent one night in our bed. We learned that lesson with the first and swore we would never make that mistake again. Needless to say we got NO sleep and getting him to sleep was TORTURE also.
So Monday we took the front off the crib to see how the "big boy" bed thing might work. Put him in his bed and he followed me right back out of the room. Screaming the ENTIRE way. Tried again several times and failed miserably EVERY time.
Tuesday I rocked him to sleep and he slept in our bed again 3 nights in a ROW. Not much sleeping had by hubby and I because this kid knows no boundries and is use to sleeping alone. Feet in my stomach, head or back and head on hubbys head, arm or back. NOT my idea of a good nights sleep by any means. Yesterday morning hubs say "WE HAVE GOT TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT I NEED MY SPACE AND MY SLEEP" he was pretty serious. haha
So last night we put the front back on the crib and though we would try it again. He climbed out once so I spanked him put him back. Second time hubby got him. Third time we took all bumber off thinking he was using them to help him. Fourth time hubby says I have got to see how he is doing this. So he hid in the closet. Sure enough he was swinging that leg over the front and letting himself down to the ground. LORD HELP US!
So next my husband said ok tie the bumber to the TOP of the front rail then maybe he won't be able to get out. He talked to him gave him some stuffed animals and told him not to get out. He cried a little but he stayed.....until about 6 this morning I hear a mommy mommy and a tap on my shoulder. This kid! lol
Anyone else had this problem. I know he is NOT ready for a toddler bed and I don't want to start it until its time and he is ready. We moved our first over to quickly and it back fired. We are trying to avoid this with number 2! Any advice is MORE than welcome!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
HEYYY Tuesday 10 Time :)
It's Tuesday which can only mean one thing...I'm linking up with Sam at Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides for :
{ONE} Friday it was 19 when I left for work...Saturday it was 65 & Sunday it was 70. Last night 20! Texas must be a woman! Only a woman changes her mind that much or maybe its mood swings!
{TWO} Started our contest/ giveaway yesterday and I am so excited about it. If you haven't seen it please check it out and if you don't qualify I bet you know someone who does!
{THREE} Took a trip to the grocery store with hubby and BOTH kids to do our BIG grocery shopping trip for the month...Yep worst idea EVER and I needed about 15 shots of hard liquor when it was all said and done. It didn't help that everyone and their mom decided to go at the same time as us!
{FOUR} My father in law told my son he is the boss of everyone and everything...he is 5 and my FIL should know you don't tell him that! Now every time I say no he says pawpaw said I'm the boss! Took his I pod away and he said well I'm the boss so you can't take it away I'm the boss. Yep I still have it :)
{FIVE} One thing on Lowe wedding Sunday...I now HATE the phrase "grown sexy" and to be honest i'd never heard it before but now I HATE it. With a passion and I think grown sexy was neither Grown nor sexy!
{SIX} Our two year old is now a PRO at climbing out of the crib....I guess our best option is taking the front off the crib! Ya tried that and he pretty much said HELL NO without saying the words. Where is the manual for this child?
{SEVEN} Sharleen on the bachelor is friggin WEIRD and pretty much avoided the kid question and says she didn't want kids but he still gave her a rose! REALLY JUAN PABLO REALLY?!?
{EIGHT} And WHY OH WHY is he keeping homegirl with dog lover as her occupation...I mean thats a dead give away for a CRAZY run the other way kinda girl. I am a dog lover don't get me wrong but that is NO occupation.
{NINE} I have decided I need to be a boss...why you might ask? Becasue bosses get to do whatever they want and still make the big bucks. I need to get paid for gettin manicures, running errands and going on fancy trips.
{TEN} I'm over complining non stop about the cooler weather & I am SO ready to start complaining about the heat! BRING IT ON SUMMER, FLIP FLOPS, LAKE AND MILLION DEGREE TEMPS!
I hope that you are enjoying these as much as I am! Have a fabulous Tuesday!
{ONE} Friday it was 19 when I left for work...Saturday it was 65 & Sunday it was 70. Last night 20! Texas must be a woman! Only a woman changes her mind that much or maybe its mood swings!
{TWO} Started our contest/ giveaway yesterday and I am so excited about it. If you haven't seen it please check it out and if you don't qualify I bet you know someone who does!
{THREE} Took a trip to the grocery store with hubby and BOTH kids to do our BIG grocery shopping trip for the month...Yep worst idea EVER and I needed about 15 shots of hard liquor when it was all said and done. It didn't help that everyone and their mom decided to go at the same time as us!
{FOUR} My father in law told my son he is the boss of everyone and everything...he is 5 and my FIL should know you don't tell him that! Now every time I say no he says pawpaw said I'm the boss! Took his I pod away and he said well I'm the boss so you can't take it away I'm the boss. Yep I still have it :)
{FIVE} One thing on Lowe wedding Sunday...I now HATE the phrase "grown sexy" and to be honest i'd never heard it before but now I HATE it. With a passion and I think grown sexy was neither Grown nor sexy!
{SIX} Our two year old is now a PRO at climbing out of the crib....I guess our best option is taking the front off the crib! Ya tried that and he pretty much said HELL NO without saying the words. Where is the manual for this child?
{SEVEN} Sharleen on the bachelor is friggin WEIRD and pretty much avoided the kid question and says she didn't want kids but he still gave her a rose! REALLY JUAN PABLO REALLY?!?
{EIGHT} And WHY OH WHY is he keeping homegirl with dog lover as her occupation...I mean thats a dead give away for a CRAZY run the other way kinda girl. I am a dog lover don't get me wrong but that is NO occupation.
{NINE} I have decided I need to be a boss...why you might ask? Becasue bosses get to do whatever they want and still make the big bucks. I need to get paid for gettin manicures, running errands and going on fancy trips.
{TEN} I'm over complining non stop about the cooler weather & I am SO ready to start complaining about the heat! BRING IT ON SUMMER, FLIP FLOPS, LAKE AND MILLION DEGREE TEMPS!
I hope that you are enjoying these as much as I am! Have a fabulous Tuesday!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Happy Monday Friends...Today is the big announcement of Shelby from Simply Shelby and I's big giveaway!
We wanted to do something a little different. Not just your every day give away! Over the holidays more than ever we have realized how very lucky we are to be able to see family and celebrate with them. We know not everyone is so lucky especially military spouses. Our military doesn't get recognized near enough for the amazing things they do for us daily here and over seas. Not only do they not get recognized enough but their spouses don't either.
Military spouses have to take care of everything at home while their husbands are deployed. Kids, bills, holidays, school activities, sports etc don't stop just because their husbands are deployed. Not to mention staying strong mentally and emotionally for those around them. I have had family in the military and I know watching them was hard I can't even imagine living it!
One of the most exciting times is the homecoming of their soilder. The wives and family often order signs, special outfits etc to make sure the day is extra special. We want to take one thing off of one military wifes plate and provide you with an outfit of your choice to wear at your husband or boyfriends homecoming from the one and only Kiki La'Rue!!!! Or maybe even just an outfit for a date with your soilder.
To enter the contest you must: First like the picture on Kiki La'Rue's instagram (will be posted this afternoon), then enter below and last send an email to heatherpayne44@yahoo.com explaining why you would like to win!
You can submit an entry for someone you know who is deserving or yourself {just be honest}. We don't want to just let the computer decide we want to hear your story!
It starts today and will go through 2/2/2014. Then we will start reading all the responses and decide on a winner!
If you have any questions comment below and we will be happy to help!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
We wanted to do something a little different. Not just your every day give away! Over the holidays more than ever we have realized how very lucky we are to be able to see family and celebrate with them. We know not everyone is so lucky especially military spouses. Our military doesn't get recognized near enough for the amazing things they do for us daily here and over seas. Not only do they not get recognized enough but their spouses don't either.
Military spouses have to take care of everything at home while their husbands are deployed. Kids, bills, holidays, school activities, sports etc don't stop just because their husbands are deployed. Not to mention staying strong mentally and emotionally for those around them. I have had family in the military and I know watching them was hard I can't even imagine living it!
One of the most exciting times is the homecoming of their soilder. The wives and family often order signs, special outfits etc to make sure the day is extra special. We want to take one thing off of one military wifes plate and provide you with an outfit of your choice to wear at your husband or boyfriends homecoming from the one and only Kiki La'Rue!!!! Or maybe even just an outfit for a date with your soilder.
To enter the contest you must: First like the picture on Kiki La'Rue's instagram (will be posted this afternoon), then enter below and last send an email to heatherpayne44@yahoo.com explaining why you would like to win!
You can submit an entry for someone you know who is deserving or yourself {just be honest}. We don't want to just let the computer decide we want to hear your story!
It starts today and will go through 2/2/2014. Then we will start reading all the responses and decide on a winner!
If you have any questions comment below and we will be happy to help!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, January 24, 2014
Happy Friday!
Going to be short and sweet today because I'm running on Empty! TGIF for real...What a week!
Hope everyone has a FAB weekend & Check back on MONDAY for a FUN giveaway from me and SHELBY!!!
Hope everyone has a FAB weekend & Check back on MONDAY for a FUN giveaway from me and SHELBY!!!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Woah February...
How in the world is next week the last week of January? This month has FLOWN by as usual. I guess I better start preparing for Valentines Day for the kids since it's in 3 weeks!
This is the time of the year as a coaches family that stinks the most. The time of the year that you stress the most and end up with a million zits, mouth ulcers and knots in your stomach or I do at least! It's time for contract renewals or non renewals, redistricting and always potentially the job hunt.
In February they will announce the new districts for everyone for the next two years. It determins alot and is usually the year that everyone changes jobs based on the new districts. Two years ago this was us when we left our previous school to come here. If you have had a good season it may not matter but if you have had a bad season you rear is always on the line.
People around town are constantly talking and I try to stay in hiding as much as possible. That way no one asks questions and I don't hear any of the things I don't want to hear. Don't get me wrong it's not always bad people do say good things too! It just makes me less stressed to stay in my own little coaches wife bubble, mind my business and take care of my family.
It's scary, stressful and the longest 4 months of my life every year. One of the coaches at our school has already made the move to go to another school as soon as this one will let him go! This year is especially hard because we are ready to buy a house and to do that we have to know where we are going to be. We hope to stay here or in this area because we love everything about it here. Is there drama? Well duh there is everywhere but here we are close to family and both like our jobs.
I love my husbands career and wouldn't trade it for any thing because he gets to do what he LOVES and we enjoy watching him! This time of year is just stressful but every year we survive & we will this year TOO!
Hope everyone has a GREAT Thursday! :)
This is the time of the year as a coaches family that stinks the most. The time of the year that you stress the most and end up with a million zits, mouth ulcers and knots in your stomach or I do at least! It's time for contract renewals or non renewals, redistricting and always potentially the job hunt.
In February they will announce the new districts for everyone for the next two years. It determins alot and is usually the year that everyone changes jobs based on the new districts. Two years ago this was us when we left our previous school to come here. If you have had a good season it may not matter but if you have had a bad season you rear is always on the line.
People around town are constantly talking and I try to stay in hiding as much as possible. That way no one asks questions and I don't hear any of the things I don't want to hear. Don't get me wrong it's not always bad people do say good things too! It just makes me less stressed to stay in my own little coaches wife bubble, mind my business and take care of my family.
It's scary, stressful and the longest 4 months of my life every year. One of the coaches at our school has already made the move to go to another school as soon as this one will let him go! This year is especially hard because we are ready to buy a house and to do that we have to know where we are going to be. We hope to stay here or in this area because we love everything about it here. Is there drama? Well duh there is everywhere but here we are close to family and both like our jobs.
I love my husbands career and wouldn't trade it for any thing because he gets to do what he LOVES and we enjoy watching him! This time of year is just stressful but every year we survive & we will this year TOO!
Hope everyone has a GREAT Thursday! :)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Wednesday Wishlist Link Up!
Found a new link up I am going to try with Pampers and Pearls and Home Of Malones for

{ONE} I wish the FLU and all the mess that comes with it would LEAVE my house ASAP. I'm exhausted and over it. The END! Why do things like this exist?!?!
{TWO} Spring! Spring! Spring! I am so ready for the 70 degree weather we had a few days ago to STAY! Today its back to 50 I know it's not that cold but I am a Texas girl and I like my warmer weather.
{THREE} This monogrammed ring. I have been watching it for a while now and I think I'm about to pull the Valentines Day card on the hubby and buy it for myself from him for Valentines Day! Do any of you ever do this around holidays?
{FOUR} This sign for my house. I am forever blessed that God picked me to be the wife to my amazing hubby (even when I want to beat him) and mother to my amazing little boys!
{FIVE} My final wish is for EVERY one to have an amazing rest of the week. Our week has been nothing short of nuts thanks to the Flu and it can only go up from here!
Happy Hump Day Friends!

{ONE} I wish the FLU and all the mess that comes with it would LEAVE my house ASAP. I'm exhausted and over it. The END! Why do things like this exist?!?!
{TWO} Spring! Spring! Spring! I am so ready for the 70 degree weather we had a few days ago to STAY! Today its back to 50 I know it's not that cold but I am a Texas girl and I like my warmer weather.
{THREE} This monogrammed ring. I have been watching it for a while now and I think I'm about to pull the Valentines Day card on the hubby and buy it for myself from him for Valentines Day! Do any of you ever do this around holidays?
{FOUR} This sign for my house. I am forever blessed that God picked me to be the wife to my amazing hubby (even when I want to beat him) and mother to my amazing little boys!
{FIVE} My final wish is for EVERY one to have an amazing rest of the week. Our week has been nothing short of nuts thanks to the Flu and it can only go up from here!
Happy Hump Day Friends!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Tuesday 10!!!
It's Tuesday you know what that means! Link up with Samantha at Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides for:
1. Lord help me if I ever have a daughter! After seeing the high school girls at the banquet Saturday I don't know if I can do it!
2. In reference to #1...where the hell are these girls parents when they walk out of the house with their butt cheeks hanging out of their skirt?!? My dad would have whooped my butt and made me stay home!
3. Yesterday it was 80 and amazing. This morning they said a cold front is coming in a it will be in the 30's. Thanks weather man for ruining my day!
4. Why is it that as soon as our medical deductible starts over shit hits the fan in the health department for us?!? #neverfails
5. My cousin sent me this on pintest & she couldn't be more right! A must share!
6. The flu has hit our house...the oldest has it and if it runs through all of us I might just scream! PLEASE NO!
7. I have been in bed by 8:30 the last two nights and I don't even feel bad about it. This sinus/ allergy and now flu stuff is the pits!
8. Last night I got sucked in to Keeping up with the Kardashians and it was like crack I couldn't stop watching. That whole family is a hott mess and the ring leader Kris is going through a mid life crisis.
9. Shebly and I have started planning our Nashville weekend get away and I am SO excited! Anyone ever been? Any places you recommend us visiting? Drinking and Country music is right up our alley and sure to be a good time!
10. Samatha now has the option to share your link up on the Tuesday 10 & I couldn't be more excited! Go check it out and join the fun. Who doesn't love 10 random things on Tuesday!
Hope you all have a great Tuesday! :)
Monday, January 20, 2014
What a Weekend!
This weekend was filled with Coaches wife duties and family time. It was just what we needed.
Friday we went to the basketball game and went to bed early it was AMAZING.
Saturday the kids went to my mother in laws to play and stay the night with her. Hubby helped me clean the house top to bottom. I was MORE than greatful for his help. I'm sure I will hear about it from now until forever!
Saturday night was the football banquet. It was SOOO long but it was nice and we had a great time celebrating the kids and all their accomplishments. Hubby gave a few awards and almost cried. He loves these kids more than they will ever know!
Look at my hott date for the banquet!
After the banquet we went out for drinks with our coaching family since we were all kid free. It was a blast and I am once again so blessed to be a part of this amazing group of coaches and wifes.
Sunday was another baby shower for me. 2nd one in a week and I have another one next weekend! Such an exciting time for my friends!
Me and Becca at her Shower.
After I got back to my in laws from the shower we ended up spending the remainder of the afternoon trying to get a cow out of the tank. She got in and got stuck. We were successful! Just another day in the country. NEVER a dull moment.
Friday we went to the basketball game and went to bed early it was AMAZING.
Saturday the kids went to my mother in laws to play and stay the night with her. Hubby helped me clean the house top to bottom. I was MORE than greatful for his help. I'm sure I will hear about it from now until forever!
Saturday night was the football banquet. It was SOOO long but it was nice and we had a great time celebrating the kids and all their accomplishments. Hubby gave a few awards and almost cried. He loves these kids more than they will ever know!
Look at my hott date for the banquet!
After the banquet we went out for drinks with our coaching family since we were all kid free. It was a blast and I am once again so blessed to be a part of this amazing group of coaches and wifes.
Sunday was another baby shower for me. 2nd one in a week and I have another one next weekend! Such an exciting time for my friends!
Me and Becca at her Shower.
After I got back to my in laws from the shower we ended up spending the remainder of the afternoon trying to get a cow out of the tank. She got in and got stuck. We were successful! Just another day in the country. NEVER a dull moment.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Five on Friday!
Linking up with The Good Life Blog for:
{ONE} Paul Mitchell Shampoo and Conditioner for blonde hair. My cousin bought it for me for my birthday and I LOVE it.
I am doing 5 of my FAVORITE things right now!
{ONE} Paul Mitchell Shampoo and Conditioner for blonde hair. My cousin bought it for me for my birthday and I LOVE it.
{TWO} Fruit Punch Spark from Advocare. It't currently SAVING my life because I quit dp and I thought I would die but I have actually been doing just fine :)
{THREE} Anything and EVERYTHING monogrammed. Thank goodness my BFF Shelby's bf does monogramming at his store and is going to hook me up! Except I need her to live closer! Here are a few things I am dying for:
{FOUR} My new Kiki La'Rue outfit I'm wearing today. I will get a pic up in a bit its been a crazy morning!
{FIVE} Leopard print....seriously obsessed right now! My husband even commented on the amount of leopard print I have. When a male notices it means it might be out of control!
TGIF Friends....YAY weekend time for a BEER!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Cleanse DONE!
Well yesterday I completed my 10 day advocare cleanse, day 10 of no dr pepper and eating healthy!
I must say I can def tell a different in how my clothes fit, how I feel and I lost a total of 5 lbs in 10 days!
I see a difference in my stomach. These pics aren't great but I feel like you can still tell! Excuse my hot mess hair and face lol!!!
I'm continuing the no dp and healthy eating even though the cleanse is over! I have replaced my morning dp with spark {advocare fruit punch} and I feel more energized than I did with a dr pepper! The past 10 days I have not been eating carbs for dinner just some for breakfast and VERY few at lunch! I'm not going to be as strict on myself but still watch what I'm eating!
I haven't been doing any fancy work outs just random Pintrest workout that seriously take me less than 30 min! Which is perfect because Jason isn't home and I can do it while the kids play!
Growing up I was one that are whatever I wanted and stayed skinny! As I get older it becomes harder and harder to stay the size I would like to be! In the next week or so I will be starting to lift weights (we r getting our workout bench from my MILs house) and I feel like that's when I will start really seeing the changes I'm looking for!
For now I am only TWO pounds away from my weight the day Jason and I got married! Which is amazing after two children and I'm proud of myself for that! Don't get me wrong it DOES NOT look the same as it did that day but maybe one day!
If y'all have any questions about the cleanse, spark or anything else feel free to comment!
Happy Thursday Friends! :)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Track Season is HERE!
It's Wednesday and the first day of Track practice for the hubby!
We have been able to enjoy him for the past few months with no sport! Thankfully he doesn't have to do basketball! Now is the time we must give him up again but not NEAR as much as during football season {Thank goodness}! And I don't go to the track meets like I do the football games so that is nice! Especially since they are the longest things ever & it's usually cold...Last year one ended at like 2 am.
This is his first year as HEAD track coach and all the responsibilities that come with it! He is very nervous to make sure he does everything right and that his players WIN! I know he will do great and I pray for a smooth season for everyone!
For us track season is difficult because although I usually count spring as our down time its really not. Brayden will start baseball next month and that means practice and games during the week. It's also baseball season for Jason's school and we try to attend most of there games especially home games because all the guys he coaches football with are baseball coaches and many of his football players are on the team. As a coach these kids all become like our own. We try to attend their games in other sports not just football, have them over for dinner and are there for them if they ever need us.
I always say our boys are so lucky to have not just each other but their coaching cousins {other coaches kids} and a whole team of big brothers. In the fall we see the other coaching families and the players far more than we see our own! I am more than thankful that we have such a tight knit group. We have been at schools where the coaching staff didn't get along and it makes life so much harder.
There is a HUGE {total of about 15} group of us here and we are all around the same age with kids the same age and get along GREAT!. For that I am so blessed it makes it a little easier not having any family here but knowing I do have "family" here!
Here is to a busy, fun, hectic spring! Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
I see the light at the end of the tunnel aka FRIDAY!
We have been able to enjoy him for the past few months with no sport! Thankfully he doesn't have to do basketball! Now is the time we must give him up again but not NEAR as much as during football season {Thank goodness}! And I don't go to the track meets like I do the football games so that is nice! Especially since they are the longest things ever & it's usually cold...Last year one ended at like 2 am.
This is his first year as HEAD track coach and all the responsibilities that come with it! He is very nervous to make sure he does everything right and that his players WIN! I know he will do great and I pray for a smooth season for everyone!
For us track season is difficult because although I usually count spring as our down time its really not. Brayden will start baseball next month and that means practice and games during the week. It's also baseball season for Jason's school and we try to attend most of there games especially home games because all the guys he coaches football with are baseball coaches and many of his football players are on the team. As a coach these kids all become like our own. We try to attend their games in other sports not just football, have them over for dinner and are there for them if they ever need us.
I always say our boys are so lucky to have not just each other but their coaching cousins {other coaches kids} and a whole team of big brothers. In the fall we see the other coaching families and the players far more than we see our own! I am more than thankful that we have such a tight knit group. We have been at schools where the coaching staff didn't get along and it makes life so much harder.
There is a HUGE {total of about 15} group of us here and we are all around the same age with kids the same age and get along GREAT!. For that I am so blessed it makes it a little easier not having any family here but knowing I do have "family" here!
Here is to a busy, fun, hectic spring! Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
I see the light at the end of the tunnel aka FRIDAY!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Tuesday TEN!
Linking up with Samantha at Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides for:
This had become one of my fav link ups and you should link up too! I mean who doesn't love 10 random thoughts/things! This girl sure does! Here goes...
{ONE} So one of my weekend conclusions is hubs and I need to watch our potty mouths! I try really hard but I suck at it! Oldest said "holy shit" Sunday at a family gathering! #proudmomndadmoment
{TWO} A goal of mine this year: Do things for me and not feel bad about it! Easier said than done! I know you Mommas feel me!
{THREE} Remember last week on Tuesday how I said I had a bad attitude and Friday I promised I would lose it! GOOD NEWS friends---It's GONE :)
{FOUR} My allergies/sinuses are kicking my butt! Looked at the allergy forcast and it looks like I will be feeling this way for quite some time. Who knew this much snot was possible? DARN allergies they are the pits and I passed them on to my poor children!
{FIVE} It NEVER fails every time I go to get my eye brows waxed that lady asks me "You want lip wax too?" I always nicely say "No Thanks" since she has hot wax and is putting it on my face! What I really want to say is "If you want a tip you will NEVER ask me that again!" Everytime I leave I immediately look in my mirror at my lip to see if it's really that hairy and I can't see anything! Please tell me this happens to you too? Or has once!
{SIX} I wonder what Victoria from the Bachelors parents thought of her amazing performance on the bachelor last night & if she still has a job today! Cray cray I tell ya!
{SEVEN} Last night at dinner little one decided to stand up in his chair hubs told him to sit down not one not two but three times and spanked him three times also. He finally sat down but was NOT phased by any of it no tears nothing. WE ARE IN TROUBLE!!!!
{EIGHT} January is almost half way over...that means its almost tax return time! WHOOP WHOOP
{NINE} I swear everyone I know is prego...One baby shower last weekend, one this weekend and one next weekend. #dontdrinkthewater
{TEN} In reguards to #9 my husband and I are at a constant battle on if we should try for baby #3 or not. He says no and that he is getting fixed this summer & that he will buy me boobs if we can not have #3. It's a good deal but I am getting a mommy make over after we are done having kids reguardless. He must be forgetting I always WIN. I don't want one right now considering #7 but I do want to try again for a little girl (even though I will have another boy).
Happy Tuesday Friends!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Weekend Wrap Up!
Once again the weekend went by all to fast but it was GREAT!
Friday was dinner night with the besties at Sushi Axiom {hibachi}! It was delish and the boys loved it!
Saturday was a mommy retail therapy day at Kiki La'Rue's warehouse sale while the boys did some bonding! It was much needed and long over due!
It was my first time going to a KKLR event and I was so excited but a little bummed! Bummed bc Shelby didn't get to come and bc all my friends were busy and couldn't join me! Going alone is no fun but it was still more than worth it. I got all kinds of good deals and new clothes! Spent almost all of my Christmas money but saved a little for the new arrivals coung soon Bc I know I will need some of those too!
At the sale I got to meet the amazing KKLR owner Becka! She is just as amazing in person and it was so good to finally meet her!
After I left I was so mad at myself! Once I get to know people I'm far from shy but until then I am extremely shy and I hate it! I did meet several of the KKLR girls but I didn't really talk to any of them or introduce myself! Why?!? I don't know! I follow most of them on insta and feel like I know them already but come on how weird is it to walk up to someone and say "hey so I stalk you online 24/7 and I think your really cool!"
Next time I go to an event I promise myself I will not be so shy and I will go up and have convos with the girls! If I had someone there with me I would have probably talked to several of them. Oh well I still had a BLAST and got some AMAZING stuff. As I wear my new out fits I will do reviews & let you know how I like them!
TODAY marks 1 week of no dr pepper and being on a diet! I have already lost about 4lbs and I am feeling great! Here is to week TWO and sticking to it!
Happy Tuesday Friends :)
TODAY marks 1 week of no dr pepper and being on a diet! I have already lost about 4lbs and I am feeling great! Here is to week TWO and sticking to it!
Happy Tuesday Friends :)
Friday, January 10, 2014
FIVE on Friday!
Today I am linking up with Darci at The good life blog for
{ONE} Next week I PROMISE to "lose the tude" or try REALLY REALLY HARD!!!
{TWO} Tomorrow is the Kiki La'Rue event and I CAN NOT WAIT!!! If your in the Dallas/ FW area you should come! I promise you won't be sorry!
{THREE} I have been sticking to this diet all week and I am so proud of myself but I am MORE than ready for my cheat meal this weekend!! I almost cheated this morning because I was actually going to be EARLY to work and the burrito place was calling my name BUT I kept on going and was 15 min early to work to eat my Bagle.
{FOUR} I had an EXTREME DIY project fail that I saved and I am SO happy with the outcome! My hubby built this whole thing. Originally I wanted it Teal but that went south in a hurry when the teal turned out as obnoxious as it did. Then I decided Red would be much better. And I am in LOVE :)
{FIVE} One of the things I hate doing most is getting gas! Any of you have this issue? I seriously let the light come on then push it till I know it's completely empty! One reason is the price but more so that I just hate doing it and I'm always in a hurry to get somewhere! Lol
{ONE} Next week I PROMISE to "lose the tude" or try REALLY REALLY HARD!!!
{TWO} Tomorrow is the Kiki La'Rue event and I CAN NOT WAIT!!! If your in the Dallas/ FW area you should come! I promise you won't be sorry!
{THREE} I have been sticking to this diet all week and I am so proud of myself but I am MORE than ready for my cheat meal this weekend!! I almost cheated this morning because I was actually going to be EARLY to work and the burrito place was calling my name BUT I kept on going and was 15 min early to work to eat my Bagle.
{FOUR} I had an EXTREME DIY project fail that I saved and I am SO happy with the outcome! My hubby built this whole thing. Originally I wanted it Teal but that went south in a hurry when the teal turned out as obnoxious as it did. Then I decided Red would be much better. And I am in LOVE :)
{FIVE} One of the things I hate doing most is getting gas! Any of you have this issue? I seriously let the light come on then push it till I know it's completely empty! One reason is the price but more so that I just hate doing it and I'm always in a hurry to get somewhere! Lol
Thursday, January 9, 2014
So my oldest has had a lose bottom tooth for months now! He is 5 1/2 which I didn't realize you loose teeth that early so I just haven't really paid attention to it. Last night he came home from school and could pull it all the way forward but it hadn't fallen out yet! When I told him it was time for bed he decided he wanted it out! Go figure anything not to go to sleep!
So I told him to pull it out! haha I am a nurse and not much makes me sick...I changed and dress wounds every day and deal with blood ALL the time! An extremely loose tooth or pulling a tooth makes me want to throw up! So he tried getting it out with tweezers then a rag and no luck. So we called dad in for help! Dad gave it one tug and then it was literally hanging. He let Brayden get it the rest of the way out! He was SO excited.
Mom was of course trying to get a million pictures and in the process the tooth dropped on the floor into the crack between the baseboard and the tile! He was crushed "OH NO WE LOST MY TOOTH" So then we spend probably 20 min trying to get it out. Hubby had to get a hammer and screw driver to chisle away the grout and use tweezers to get it while I held the flash light! FINALLY we got it out and put it in a zip lock bag because I am a terrible mom and haven't purchased a tooth fairy pillow yet. My son EVEN called me out on it! BURN!!!
So after he went to bed my husband and I had the tooth fairy conversation trying to decide how much a tooth is worth! He says I think I use to get $10. WOAH I will be broke by the time both boys loose all their teeth. I honestly don't remember how much I use to get. Then I thought oh crap I NEVER carry cash. Went to my wallet and sure enough all I had was two dollars. Then I found $3 in quarters and I added those to make it $5. Still seems like alot but we are new at this!
He was beyond EXCITED this morning to have money and I don't think he would have cared if it was just a dollar. So how much does your tooth fairy leave? Help a sister out! Oh and where did you purchase your kids tooth fairy pillow. I need to get one like yesterday. Actually I'm going to buy two so I will be prepared for the youngest to loose his teeth in 3 years!
Hope EVERYONE has a FABULOUS Thursday.
My sweet friend Shelby is doing an AMAZING give away on her blog today go check it out and enter HERE!!!
So I told him to pull it out! haha I am a nurse and not much makes me sick...I changed and dress wounds every day and deal with blood ALL the time! An extremely loose tooth or pulling a tooth makes me want to throw up! So he tried getting it out with tweezers then a rag and no luck. So we called dad in for help! Dad gave it one tug and then it was literally hanging. He let Brayden get it the rest of the way out! He was SO excited.
Mom was of course trying to get a million pictures and in the process the tooth dropped on the floor into the crack between the baseboard and the tile! He was crushed "OH NO WE LOST MY TOOTH" So then we spend probably 20 min trying to get it out. Hubby had to get a hammer and screw driver to chisle away the grout and use tweezers to get it while I held the flash light! FINALLY we got it out and put it in a zip lock bag because I am a terrible mom and haven't purchased a tooth fairy pillow yet. My son EVEN called me out on it! BURN!!!
So after he went to bed my husband and I had the tooth fairy conversation trying to decide how much a tooth is worth! He says I think I use to get $10. WOAH I will be broke by the time both boys loose all their teeth. I honestly don't remember how much I use to get. Then I thought oh crap I NEVER carry cash. Went to my wallet and sure enough all I had was two dollars. Then I found $3 in quarters and I added those to make it $5. Still seems like alot but we are new at this!
He was beyond EXCITED this morning to have money and I don't think he would have cared if it was just a dollar. So how much does your tooth fairy leave? Help a sister out! Oh and where did you purchase your kids tooth fairy pillow. I need to get one like yesterday. Actually I'm going to buy two so I will be prepared for the youngest to loose his teeth in 3 years!
Hope EVERYONE has a FABULOUS Thursday.
My sweet friend Shelby is doing an AMAZING give away on her blog today go check it out and enter HERE!!!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Wednesday Diet update!
It's such a blah day today...cold & wet! Which means I want to stay home and sleep no work! Being a grown up is the pits sometimes!
Anywho its day THREE of my diet and I still haven't killed anyone! WHOOP WHOOP
I am so proud of my self for sticking with this. I have done much better than I thought. Lunch has been easy except that I would LOVE to order a big juicy hamburger and FF with some RANCH from the place next door. Dinner hasn't been too bad I just haven't let my self have any carbs and that means only about 1/2 of what I cook. Breakfast is hard because I am picky and I don't like a lot of breakfast foods esp the healthy ones! I have been having either boiled eggs or 1/2 a bagle with strawberry cream cheese (not the best I know but its breakfast so I have all day to burn it)!
Then I have been doing my own random pintrest workouts at the house! Monday I did this one:
Then Tuesday this one:
{obviously I should have done it monday but oh well. I make the rules}
Not sure what I will do tonight but going up to meet my husband and work out there was just going to be too much with the two kids and he starts track next week. This way I can do it on my own at home and it doesn't take all that long! I plan to try Julian Michaels 30 day shread too!
I am drinking TONS of water and Spark to keep me going. Also started my 10 day cleanse on Monday. At the end I will post my before and after pics! I am not so much needing to lose a ton of weight {really only want to lose about 5-6 lbs} but I want to TONE what is there. Having kids takes a toll on your body. I weigh almost the same as before kids shit just isn't in the same place! BUT they sure are worth it!
Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!
Anywho its day THREE of my diet and I still haven't killed anyone! WHOOP WHOOP
I am so proud of my self for sticking with this. I have done much better than I thought. Lunch has been easy except that I would LOVE to order a big juicy hamburger and FF with some RANCH from the place next door. Dinner hasn't been too bad I just haven't let my self have any carbs and that means only about 1/2 of what I cook. Breakfast is hard because I am picky and I don't like a lot of breakfast foods esp the healthy ones! I have been having either boiled eggs or 1/2 a bagle with strawberry cream cheese (not the best I know but its breakfast so I have all day to burn it)!
Then I have been doing my own random pintrest workouts at the house! Monday I did this one:
Then Tuesday this one:
{obviously I should have done it monday but oh well. I make the rules}
Not sure what I will do tonight but going up to meet my husband and work out there was just going to be too much with the two kids and he starts track next week. This way I can do it on my own at home and it doesn't take all that long! I plan to try Julian Michaels 30 day shread too!
I am drinking TONS of water and Spark to keep me going. Also started my 10 day cleanse on Monday. At the end I will post my before and after pics! I am not so much needing to lose a ton of weight {really only want to lose about 5-6 lbs} but I want to TONE what is there. Having kids takes a toll on your body. I weigh almost the same as before kids shit just isn't in the same place! BUT they sure are worth it!
Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Tuesday 10...Whoohoo
Linking up yet again with Samantha at Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides For Tuesday TEN!
{1} So at the grocery store last week my 2 yr old told the cashier he had a big nose then laughed and said "high five" & bless that mans heart he gave him a high five! Mom on the other hand turned 675,767,876 shades of red and got outta there as quick as possible!
{2} Day one of my New Years resolutions went great I stuck to them and didn't kill anyone! Win win...I think so!
{3} As a nurse I have decided I my boys EVER put me in a nursing home I will haunt them for as long as they live! I'm taking care of you for 18 years...you owe me!
{4} My foul attitude has got to go! I blame my hormones or maybe I'm just a bitch?!? Either way it's out of control! You know it's bad when you realize it! Even if it does take Someone pointing if out!
{5} In reference to #4...I hate when my hubby is right! I would NEVER admit it to him! Shhh don't tell!
{6} I seriously wish there was a way to fix stupid! It would make the world a better place or maybe not?!? There I go being a B again!
{7} Any one else have a hair tie thief that lives at their house? I swear I take one off take a shower go back to put it in and poof it's friggin gone! I keep these people in business!
{8} Kim Kardashian's Instagram post (yes I follow her but maybe not now) Saturday night:
This can't be real life can it? I'm disturbed! That HAS to be butt implants or SOMETHING! There is just no way!
{9} Watched the bachelor last night & I have decided I need to change professions and either be a dog lover or a free sprit! I mean surely they make good money right?!?
{10} This morning driving to work and called the hubby to make arrangements for the funeral we have today. My 5 year old overheard me and when I got off the phone he said "Mom WHY are you going to a funeral did someone die or something?" --Thank goodness it was just us in the car....on another note I HATE funerals and I am not looking forward to today!
Happy Tuesday Friends!
Happy Tuesday Friends!
Monday, January 6, 2014
Why is it already Monday?!?
I said last week I was ready for a normal week but I didn't want it to get here this fast! Tomorrow I'll be wishing for another half day like the past two weeks and Wednesday I'll be wishing I was off again!
This weekend was a relax, eat and get ready for the week ahead! I'm starting all 900 of my New Years resolutions today including my DIET so this weekend I tried to eat all of my favorite things and drink lots of dr peppers because as of midnight no more!
So for the start of my diet breakfast this morning was...boiled eggs and spark. Sounds delish right? Why can't donuts just be on my diet or a big greasy breakfast taco? The girls in the office hate my diet also...especially the pregnant one. Boiled eggs don't smell the best. I guess I will have to eat them at home. Tomorrow I think I am going to have scrambled egg whites. Those don't smell as bad. My mouth is watering already just thinking about them. Actually NOT at all. I will probably add some avacado and salsa to make it a lil more tasty.
For a mid morning snack I brough an avacado with a lime. It's my favorite snack ever! Then for lunch I brough grilled chicken and a salad. Then my mid afternoon snack will be carrots, brocoli and cauliflower. Dinner I haven't decided yet. Hubby just notified me that we are going to watch the National Championship with some friends. This can only mean one thing: LOTS of food I can't eat. Maybe they will have good meat and I can just eat lots of that! It's the first day...you can't cheat on your first day!
Tonight I will also do my first workout with the hubs. He is going to put me through a weight training work out. As much as I am going to HATE it he does know what he is doing and I want to tone my body. This is the only way when your almost 30 and have had two kids! Let face it getting older is the pits. Here to hoping our marriage survives him being my coach in the weight room!
Hope everyone has a GREAT first Monday of 2014!
Enjoying the Country life with my boys!
My oldest dressed up in my father in laws jacket, boots and coveralls! Little brother had to be in the pic also! So for the start of my diet breakfast this morning was...boiled eggs and spark. Sounds delish right? Why can't donuts just be on my diet or a big greasy breakfast taco? The girls in the office hate my diet also...especially the pregnant one. Boiled eggs don't smell the best. I guess I will have to eat them at home. Tomorrow I think I am going to have scrambled egg whites. Those don't smell as bad. My mouth is watering already just thinking about them. Actually NOT at all. I will probably add some avacado and salsa to make it a lil more tasty.
For a mid morning snack I brough an avacado with a lime. It's my favorite snack ever! Then for lunch I brough grilled chicken and a salad. Then my mid afternoon snack will be carrots, brocoli and cauliflower. Dinner I haven't decided yet. Hubby just notified me that we are going to watch the National Championship with some friends. This can only mean one thing: LOTS of food I can't eat. Maybe they will have good meat and I can just eat lots of that! It's the first day...you can't cheat on your first day!
Tonight I will also do my first workout with the hubs. He is going to put me through a weight training work out. As much as I am going to HATE it he does know what he is doing and I want to tone my body. This is the only way when your almost 30 and have had two kids! Let face it getting older is the pits. Here to hoping our marriage survives him being my coach in the weight room!
Hope everyone has a GREAT first Monday of 2014!
Friday, January 3, 2014
Favorite Things & It's Friday!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holdiay. I don't know about yall but I am ready for a normal week. Don't get me wrong I love a short week at work but when its in the middle of the week it just throws me WAY off. Yesterday felt like monday and now today its Friday.
Today I am linking up with Emily from Beauty and the Greek and Kylie Lip Gloss and Lunges for
Today I am linking up with Emily from Beauty and the Greek and Kylie Lip Gloss and Lunges for

1. My new jacket the hubby got me for Christmas! He picked it out himself and used my nephews girlfriend for sizing. He also got me some new workout clothes like I asked for & a giftcard to use at none other than Kiki La'Rue {rather than saying stop spending money out of the bank account on it he gave me other money to use} Smart guy I have trained him well.
2. My new Paul Mitchell hair products my UHMAZING cousin got for me! My hair is feeling GREAT! I had no idea what I was missing!
3. My new fleece leggings from Shelby! They are my first pair of Fleece leggings and I am in LOVE!!! In Texas anything fleece is not necessary becasue our winters are so short {or non EXISTANT} this year is an exception. Its been pretty cold and its no where near over or so they say!
4. AS always my EOS lip balm & now their lotion! Winter is the worst time for me with chapped lips and ashy dry skin these are the best.
5. SPARK!!! Always and forever. I stopped drinking dr pepper at one point last year then picked it back up around the holidays. Spark will once again be my best friend come Monday bc I am quiting dp AGAIN! Maybe this will be the last time I have to quit! I prefer FRUIT PUNCH flavor!
Have a great first weekend of 2014! I will be starting all my New Years resolutions on Monday since the first fell on a Wednesday! That is just setting people up for failure in my opinion so 1/6/14 is the day my resolutions will start!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Now on bloglovin! Follow meeee
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/11501691/?claim=fx9ysxpk2n9">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
You can now find my blog on bloglovin.com!!! Follow me there :)
You can now find my blog on bloglovin.com!!! Follow me there :)
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy 2014!
Happy 2014 Friends!!!!
Me and the BFF :)
Girls pic...I'd be lost without these girls.
We brought in the new year with some of our very best friends at a tacky t-shirt party! It was the best idea we have EVER had! I didn't have to worry about finding and outfit and I was SUPER comfy!!!
Hubby and I in our tacky t-shirts! Love him!
You know it was a good night when you wake up and your cheeks are sore from laughing/smiling! My friends are funnier than yours!
So I say every year I'm not going to make resolutions because let's face it they are made to be broken! I don't remember the last one I kept honestly! Just like every year I made some resolutions!
Resolutions for the new year:
-Run a 5k, 10k and half marathon {I best start running}
- SAVE $$$ {isn't that one everyones list? EASIER said than done for sure}
- Buy a house {as a coaches family this is a BIG deal considering how much we move but its def time}
- Have date days with the boys individually at least every couple months!
Resolutions for the new year:
-Run a 5k, 10k and half marathon {I best start running}
- SAVE $$$ {isn't that one everyones list? EASIER said than done for sure}
- Buy a house {as a coaches family this is a BIG deal considering how much we move but its def time}
- Have date days with the boys individually at least every couple months!
- Make more time for the hubby and I to go on actual dates! We often do dinner or something with friends but rarely go on an actual date which is needed.
- Not procrastinate! I'm the worst and I kick myself every time...I will do better!
- Limit our going out to eat to 4 times monthly {this is almost impossible considering I do NOT love to cook and look for ANY excuse not to have to do it!
I think that's about it...let's see how many I can stick to! :)
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