{ONE} Friday it was 19 when I left for work...Saturday it was 65 & Sunday it was 70. Last night 20! Texas must be a woman! Only a woman changes her mind that much or maybe its mood swings!
{TWO} Started our contest/ giveaway yesterday and I am so excited about it. If you haven't seen it please check it out and if you don't qualify I bet you know someone who does!
{THREE} Took a trip to the grocery store with hubby and BOTH kids to do our BIG grocery shopping trip for the month...Yep worst idea EVER and I needed about 15 shots of hard liquor when it was all said and done. It didn't help that everyone and their mom decided to go at the same time as us!
{FOUR} My father in law told my son he is the boss of everyone and everything...he is 5 and my FIL should know you don't tell him that! Now every time I say no he says pawpaw said I'm the boss! Took his I pod away and he said well I'm the boss so you can't take it away I'm the boss. Yep I still have it :)
{FIVE} One thing on Lowe wedding Sunday...I now HATE the phrase "grown sexy" and to be honest i'd never heard it before but now I HATE it. With a passion and I think grown sexy was neither Grown nor sexy!
{SIX} Our two year old is now a PRO at climbing out of the crib....I guess our best option is taking the front off the crib! Ya tried that and he pretty much said HELL NO without saying the words. Where is the manual for this child?
{SEVEN} Sharleen on the bachelor is friggin WEIRD and pretty much avoided the kid question and says she didn't want kids but he still gave her a rose! REALLY JUAN PABLO REALLY?!?
{EIGHT} And WHY OH WHY is he keeping homegirl with dog lover as her occupation...I mean thats a dead give away for a CRAZY run the other way kinda girl. I am a dog lover don't get me wrong but that is NO occupation.
{NINE} I have decided I need to be a boss...why you might ask? Becasue bosses get to do whatever they want and still make the big bucks. I need to get paid for gettin manicures, running errands and going on fancy trips.
{TEN} I'm over complining non stop about the cooler weather & I am SO ready to start complaining about the heat! BRING IT ON SUMMER, FLIP FLOPS, LAKE AND MILLION DEGREE TEMPS!
I hope that you are enjoying these as much as I am! Have a fabulous Tuesday!
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