This week I'm doing Tuesday 10 with Samantha at Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides again but today I'm doing 10 random things about 2013!
1. Brayden played his first season of T-ball. This was a day I looked forward to for as long as I can remember. I had NO idea how stressful it is to be a t-ball mom! Esp since I grew up playing softball my whole life. His coach wasn't the brightest and it took all I had to keep my composure most games. CRAZY I know its just t-ball but its a BIG deal!
2. Tate got tubes in his ears and it was the best decision we have ever made! After that he started sleeping through the night again and talking up a storm! Maybe too much talking and repeating.
3. I learned you must make time for "adult" time when you have kids. Its healthy for all involved even if its just a kid free dinner with friends its important.
4. We experienced a Tornado in 2013 that destroyed our neighborhood. It is something I NEVER want to go through again but I know this is out of my control! It was by far the scariest thing ever holding onto my babies in that bath tub listening to this awful LOUD noise.
5. After #4 I learned that we couldn't be more blessed to live in such an amazing community and have so many wonderful people. The city of Cleburne came together to help each other even complete strangers pick up the pieces and it was nothing short of amazing!
6. Brayden {the oldest} started Pre-K. It was no easy task taking him into his first day of Pre-K screaming CRYING and saying "Mom please don't leave me here" Please god let the first day of Kindergarten be MUCH easier!
7. I started blogging...This was the best decision EVER. I have met AMAZING friends through blogging and become closer to ones I already had! My husband thinks it's crazy but I think he is crazy so there! haha
8. I took a leap of faith and changed jobs in August. It turned out for the BEST and I am so glad to have a job that I love taking care of my sweet patients.
9. My oldest dreams came true in October when he met his favorite singer EVER Aaron Watson. Nothing better than seeing your child's dreams come true. I cried tears of joy that night!
10. I turned 29 & started the last year of my twenties! I plan to make EVERY day count from here until December 16, 2014!
2013 was an amazing year for my family and I! We made and lost some friendships, achieved goals, became closer as a family, and so much more! I know that 2014 will be just as great if not better!
Happy New Years Eve Friends!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Back to real to that!
I feel like its been a year since I have blogged! Shelby and I were supose to do our first link up on Thursday last week but we decided to enjoy our time with our family instead! So check back THIS thursday for the What I wore Holiday Edition Link up!
Can't believe Christmas is already over! All that hard work shopping wrapping shopping and wrapping some more all for it to be over within about 20 min! Every year that 20 min is by far the best 20 min of the whole year!
Can't believe Christmas is already over! All that hard work shopping wrapping shopping and wrapping some more all for it to be over within about 20 min! Every year that 20 min is by far the best 20 min of the whole year!
We had a GREAT Christmas Eve and Christmas Day from start to finish!
Christmas Eve was with the in laws! We had a Fish fry let the kids open their presents then the adults did our Chinese Christmas! The boys were more than spoiled as usual!
They both had stacks of presents a mile high & were extremely excited about all of their wonderful gifts!
After that we headed to Austin and didn't get in until about was a lONG DAY!
Christmas Morning we woke up early as usual and let the kids see what Santa brought and open their presents from family!
The boys got so many gifts we need a new house to store them! After seeing his first present Tate was no longer interested in any more gifts...Brayden on the other hand could have kept opening all day! Lol
Christmas Day we spent all day with my family at my parents house! The guys smoked a turkey on hubby's pit! It was delish! That night we drove around looking at lights & played headbands!
We stayed in Austin until Saturday and had a good long visit with my family which we don't get to do often enough! Then Saturday we headed back to the in- laws to pick up our presesnt from there! I ended up taking them home before the boys came home so I could get them out up or try!
This was the truck LOADED down with only room for me to sit in the drivers seat!
This was the truck LOADED down with only room for me to sit in the drivers seat!
We had a blast with our family and couldn't be more blessed for all that we have been given! I hope all of you had a blessed Holiday also!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Chistmas EVE & my Friday!
It's Christmas Eve, my Friday and a half day! What a wonderful combo! Can't wait to get off and see my boys!
The next 24 hrs are sure to be a world wind! Get off work at 12 go run a few last min errands along with EVERYONE else. I think I like the rush of HAVING to be done...I can't think of any other reason I would do this to myself! Then after that I head to the in-laws for Christmas Eve with them.
We are having fried fish for dinner and opening presents! Can't wait to watch the kids rip in to their first presents this year! Us adults don't do presents we do Chinese Christmas with a $50 spending limit. Its alot but its good becuase its usually a really good gift. I always buy something for my gift that I want!
Then we will get on the road about 8 or 830 tonight and head to Austin to stay until Friday. I couldn't be more excited for Christmas day with my family and a long stay in Austin. I get to see family, friends and the hubs and boys will be with me!
I think I am more excited for Christmas morning than the boys. There is nothing I enjoy more than seeing their faces light up when they see what santa brings or open their gifts. I hate that it goes by so quickly but its all worth it for the happiness on their faces!
Hope every one has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! xoxo
Dont forget to take pics of you holiday outfit for the Link up on Thursday with Shelby! Its gonna be FUN!!!!
The next 24 hrs are sure to be a world wind! Get off work at 12 go run a few last min errands along with EVERYONE else. I think I like the rush of HAVING to be done...I can't think of any other reason I would do this to myself! Then after that I head to the in-laws for Christmas Eve with them.
We are having fried fish for dinner and opening presents! Can't wait to watch the kids rip in to their first presents this year! Us adults don't do presents we do Chinese Christmas with a $50 spending limit. Its alot but its good becuase its usually a really good gift. I always buy something for my gift that I want!
Then we will get on the road about 8 or 830 tonight and head to Austin to stay until Friday. I couldn't be more excited for Christmas day with my family and a long stay in Austin. I get to see family, friends and the hubs and boys will be with me!
I think I am more excited for Christmas morning than the boys. There is nothing I enjoy more than seeing their faces light up when they see what santa brings or open their gifts. I hate that it goes by so quickly but its all worth it for the happiness on their faces!
Hope every one has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! xoxo
Dont forget to take pics of you holiday outfit for the Link up on Thursday with Shelby! Its gonna be FUN!!!!
Monday, December 23, 2013
It's Monday & Tomorrow is my Friday!
Nothin better than a 1.5 day work week! Of course I'd prefer to be off all week with my boys I'll take what I can get!
What a weekend it was trying to do all my last min shopping with about a million others on the one day this month it decided to rain! If that doesn't like fun I don't know what does {insert sarcasm}!
I had to go to Walmart and got hit on the back of my legs with about 10 grocery carts and almost got run over in the parking lot! Merry Christmas to you too people!
I didn't get all the way done but very close! I'll finish up tonight! I just need 3 more things! I think! Hahaha
I did a nice little DIY canvas project and it turned out AMAZING! It was Super Easy! I'll post the how to later today!
Sunday I took the boys to see Santa! What I thought was going to be an awful experience turned out AWESOME! I figured the youngest (2yrs old) would scream bloody murder and hate Santa but he didn't mind him!
Sunday night we had a fire at the inlaws and roasted hot dogs, made s'mores and had some wine with the family! It was fun & relaxing!
Too bad I had to wake up and come to work & my boys are at home! Such a bummer! Oh well let's do this Moday! I'm ready for my VACATION to start!
Friday, December 20, 2013
It's Friday and I CAN'T MOVE!
TGIF!!!!!! What a week...Started with my Birthday Monday & Field Trip with the big one Wednesday!
This week they opened up a new Cross Fit here in Cleburne. Its FREE for the month of December & my husband talked me into trying it for the first time on Monday MY BIRTHDAY! Crazy Idea I know but I went for it.
When we got there along with about 45 other people I instantly though OMG why in the hell are you doing this. Half of the people were super SERIOUS workout freaks and then there were some that maybe had worked out a few time in there life and then a few like me. I played sports all my life and consider my self "athletic" but with two kids and a full time job I don't usually have time for working out. If I do its usually just running. Which I havent run in over three months. I haven't lifted weights since high school I'm sure.
They started explaining the work out: 4 rounds of run 300 meters, 20 kettle bell swings and 10 box jumps. As they were explaining I though ok they obviously don't see my legs and how short they are there is no way I will be able to JUMP on that box esp not 10 times. Then she said if you can't jump you can step....THANK you LORD. The time limit was 20 min.
So we started and I went in a heat with ALL girls thank goodness. By the last round I though to my self glad I picked my 29th Birthday to do this because I wont make it to 30. I ended up finishing 5th in our group of girls & survivied. There are no words to explain how awful I felt.
About an hour after the work out I started to feel sore....not sure how that is possible. Then next day of course I was SO sore mostly in my back. I thought I had done something wrong. I decided not to go on Tuesday. By Wednesday I was even more sore if thats even possible from day one but I decided it was time to give it another go!
I most def lost my mind when I decided this! Wednesdays work out was: Push ups, Sumo dead lifts, medicine ball sit ups and jumping lunges. They were in stations and you would do 8 20min rounds of each then move to the next station. First up was Sumo Dead lifts...lift a kettle bell up to your chin from the ground basically. I did 8 of those each round. Next up was the push ups. My arms already wanted to die from the dead lifts I had done. I ended up with 6 push ups each round. My arms were SHOT after that. Then was sit ups with a medicine ball & I got 7 each round on that. Last was jumping lunges AKA DEATH. I only ended up with 5 of those each round and seriously collapsed at the end. I also hit my knee REALLY hard several times and have wounds to prove it. BUT I made it through the entire work out even though after I could not lift my arms straighten my arms or hardly walk I FINISHED.
That night I went home ate dinner and took a bath about an hr after I had been home & I was already feeling the soreness. Took my phone with me incase I had any problems. I sat in HOT water for about 30 min and thought ok its time to get out. Started to get out and it hurt so bad I couldn't do it. I was STUCK in the bath this for real? YES your 29 doing a workout that you have no business doing. So I went to grab the handle that turns on the water and pulled on it....That stupid thing came right off. NOW I was really in trouble. I could NOT call my husband to come help me out me would die. So eventually I sucked it up and got out. The pain of drying off, putting on my clothes was AWFUL. I was dreading the next morning and my husband was DYING laughing at me the whole way through.
I took off again yesterday due to EXTREME soreness and I don't want to injure myself the first week trying this out. So I am debating trying again today. I am SO sore I can't walk correctly, put my hair in a pony tail or sit on the toilet without SERIOUS pain. Maybe twice the first week is good enough. I dont want to get in the habit of not going but I also don't want to injure myself.
Stay tuned because I may not be going back today but I AM going back! Happy Friday Friends! :)
This week they opened up a new Cross Fit here in Cleburne. Its FREE for the month of December & my husband talked me into trying it for the first time on Monday MY BIRTHDAY! Crazy Idea I know but I went for it.
When we got there along with about 45 other people I instantly though OMG why in the hell are you doing this. Half of the people were super SERIOUS workout freaks and then there were some that maybe had worked out a few time in there life and then a few like me. I played sports all my life and consider my self "athletic" but with two kids and a full time job I don't usually have time for working out. If I do its usually just running. Which I havent run in over three months. I haven't lifted weights since high school I'm sure.
They started explaining the work out: 4 rounds of run 300 meters, 20 kettle bell swings and 10 box jumps. As they were explaining I though ok they obviously don't see my legs and how short they are there is no way I will be able to JUMP on that box esp not 10 times. Then she said if you can't jump you can step....THANK you LORD. The time limit was 20 min.
So we started and I went in a heat with ALL girls thank goodness. By the last round I though to my self glad I picked my 29th Birthday to do this because I wont make it to 30. I ended up finishing 5th in our group of girls & survivied. There are no words to explain how awful I felt.
About an hour after the work out I started to feel sore....not sure how that is possible. Then next day of course I was SO sore mostly in my back. I thought I had done something wrong. I decided not to go on Tuesday. By Wednesday I was even more sore if thats even possible from day one but I decided it was time to give it another go!
I most def lost my mind when I decided this! Wednesdays work out was: Push ups, Sumo dead lifts, medicine ball sit ups and jumping lunges. They were in stations and you would do 8 20min rounds of each then move to the next station. First up was Sumo Dead lifts...lift a kettle bell up to your chin from the ground basically. I did 8 of those each round. Next up was the push ups. My arms already wanted to die from the dead lifts I had done. I ended up with 6 push ups each round. My arms were SHOT after that. Then was sit ups with a medicine ball & I got 7 each round on that. Last was jumping lunges AKA DEATH. I only ended up with 5 of those each round and seriously collapsed at the end. I also hit my knee REALLY hard several times and have wounds to prove it. BUT I made it through the entire work out even though after I could not lift my arms straighten my arms or hardly walk I FINISHED.
That night I went home ate dinner and took a bath about an hr after I had been home & I was already feeling the soreness. Took my phone with me incase I had any problems. I sat in HOT water for about 30 min and thought ok its time to get out. Started to get out and it hurt so bad I couldn't do it. I was STUCK in the bath this for real? YES your 29 doing a workout that you have no business doing. So I went to grab the handle that turns on the water and pulled on it....That stupid thing came right off. NOW I was really in trouble. I could NOT call my husband to come help me out me would die. So eventually I sucked it up and got out. The pain of drying off, putting on my clothes was AWFUL. I was dreading the next morning and my husband was DYING laughing at me the whole way through.
I took off again yesterday due to EXTREME soreness and I don't want to injure myself the first week trying this out. So I am debating trying again today. I am SO sore I can't walk correctly, put my hair in a pony tail or sit on the toilet without SERIOUS pain. Maybe twice the first week is good enough. I dont want to get in the habit of not going but I also don't want to injure myself.
Stay tuned because I may not be going back today but I AM going back! Happy Friday Friends! :)
Thursday, December 19, 2013
New Link up & it's ALMOST the weekend!!!
Shelby from Simply Shelby and I have decied we are going to host a montly link-up and we are so excited about it!
We love fashion, and we are always talking about clothes and outfits and how to get the most out of everything we have or buy. We want to start sharing that with all of you.
One Thursday out of each month we will host the link up called "How I wore it Thursday's". We will annouce a few days prior to remind everyone, so make sure you're taking pictures of your outfits!
Show us how you style something for work, and then style that same thing for play!
We will start this next Thursday, the 26th and have a Holiday Edition of "How I wore it!"
We are so so excited for this, and I hope you all are too!
Come back on Thursday, grab our button, and link up so we can see all you fab fashionistas!
It's Thursday! Hooorrayy one more day!
We love fashion, and we are always talking about clothes and outfits and how to get the most out of everything we have or buy. We want to start sharing that with all of you.
One Thursday out of each month we will host the link up called "How I wore it Thursday's". We will annouce a few days prior to remind everyone, so make sure you're taking pictures of your outfits!
Show us how you style something for work, and then style that same thing for play!
We will start this next Thursday, the 26th and have a Holiday Edition of "How I wore it!"
We are so so excited for this, and I hope you all are too!
Come back on Thursday, grab our button, and link up so we can see all you fab fashionistas!
It's Thursday! Hooorrayy one more day!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
It's time for Tuesday 10 yet again!
This is going to be a weekly thing for me because I just love it! Linking up with Samantha from Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides again for Tuesday 10.
{1} First day of my last year in my twenties was pretty darn good. I think I got this!
{2} Last week hubs built me a new cabinet for my TV. I wanted it to be turquoise and distressed. So he said I could pain it the way I wanted. I SCREWED it up bigger than Dallas and I'm STILL in the process of fixing it. I have a feeling next time I decide to do a DIY project he is going to tell me to shove it up my rear. Kinda don't blame him. My bad!
{3} This week my Shelby and I will receive our Swap/ Birthday Packages and I can't wait. Check in later this week to hear all about it!
{4} Those 3 boxes of Christmas Tree cakes I got last week....umm they are gone. It wasn't ALL me I swear I shared them but my co-workers think I need Christmas tree cake rehab.
{5} I'm STILL not done Christmas shopping and this week is crazy....guess I will be joining the rest of the nuts doing their last min shopping this weekend!
{6} Yesterday on my 29th bday I did my first cross fit work out & finished! That work out is no joke! I almost died...literally though 29 years that's it for me! Today I feel like Im about 90 and muscles I didnt even know exsisted are hurting! Do I do it again today or no? Thats the question.
{7} My youngest decided it was party time from about 3-430 am....between that and being sore I look like death today.
{8} Isn't it crazy how god places just the right people in your life at just the right time? I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in my life who all serve very different purposes.
{9} Hubby told me the BFF is helping him with my Christmas shopping...WOOHOO I know this gift will be good & now I want to snoop like CRAZY. He shouldn't have told me that! MEN they never learn lol
{10} Yesterday I forgot to move the damn Elf but Brayden didn't notice THANK the lord because we were so busy and hardly home. So I made sure I did my job this morning!
{1} First day of my last year in my twenties was pretty darn good. I think I got this!
{2} Last week hubs built me a new cabinet for my TV. I wanted it to be turquoise and distressed. So he said I could pain it the way I wanted. I SCREWED it up bigger than Dallas and I'm STILL in the process of fixing it. I have a feeling next time I decide to do a DIY project he is going to tell me to shove it up my rear. Kinda don't blame him. My bad!
{3} This week my Shelby and I will receive our Swap/ Birthday Packages and I can't wait. Check in later this week to hear all about it!
{4} Those 3 boxes of Christmas Tree cakes I got last week....umm they are gone. It wasn't ALL me I swear I shared them but my co-workers think I need Christmas tree cake rehab.
{5} I'm STILL not done Christmas shopping and this week is crazy....guess I will be joining the rest of the nuts doing their last min shopping this weekend!
{6} Yesterday on my 29th bday I did my first cross fit work out & finished! That work out is no joke! I almost died...literally though 29 years that's it for me! Today I feel like Im about 90 and muscles I didnt even know exsisted are hurting! Do I do it again today or no? Thats the question.
{7} My youngest decided it was party time from about 3-430 am....between that and being sore I look like death today.
{8} Isn't it crazy how god places just the right people in your life at just the right time? I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in my life who all serve very different purposes.
{9} Hubby told me the BFF is helping him with my Christmas shopping...WOOHOO I know this gift will be good & now I want to snoop like CRAZY. He shouldn't have told me that! MEN they never learn lol
{10} Yesterday I forgot to move the damn Elf but Brayden didn't notice THANK the lord because we were so busy and hardly home. So I made sure I did my job this morning!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Weekend Wrap up & ITS MY BIRTHDAY!
We had a great weekend filled with FAMILY & a birthday celebration!
Friday night my oldest had his school Christmas play and he played Joseph. He did great. The thing only lasted 7 minutes. No JOKE!
Cutest little Jospeh I ever did see right there!
My parents & sis came in from Austin, my cousin was in visiting from Colorado, my grandparents from Dallas came, my mother in law, sister in law and niece. He probably had the biggest fan club there! He is a pretty big deal!
My family after the program. :)
Saturday was a CRAZY day from start to finish it was our little guys 2nd birthday with the family. We decided to just do family this year because he is just two and its such a busy time of the year for everyone. I think from here on out we may start celebrating his half birthday! Christmas birthdays are NO fun...I know this from 29 years of experience!
SOOOO today is my 29th Birthday & I begin the last year of my twenties. I still can't decide how I feel about this but since I got carded this weekend for a drink I guess I'm off to a good start! I have decided this is a big year for me I mean I will never be in my twenties again so I should probably celebrate ALL year long. Actually on the 16th of every month to count it down till the big 3-0?!?

My Birthday started out AMAZING with a gift card to from my sweet friend Shelby!
Here is a few things on my Bucket list for this year!
* Buy our first house (this is a big deal as a coaches family)
* Buy a new car
* Run a half marathon
* Decide if we are having baby #3 or not
* If no baby #3 I will be getting a mommy makeover!
* Shoot a deer
* Family Vacation to the beach
* Go visit Shelby in the artic tundra & freeze my ass off
* Open up an online monogram shop
* Girls weekend with Shelby to Nashville
* Meet one Celebrity
* Go to a pro Football game with hubby
....there are so many more but I'm going broke just looking at this list so I will stop there! I better get to saving my monies!
....there are so many more but I'm going broke just looking at this list so I will stop there! I better get to saving my monies!
Happy Monday y'all!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Linking up with Darci at The Good life for Friday 5!
{One} My oldest is playing Joseph at his Christmas play tonight and I am so excited/ nervous for him! So many in our family are coming to watch! Prayers he remembers his lines & agrees to wear his costume.
{Two} Tomorrow is our family Birthday party for my Two year old! I haven't even ordered the cake yet! Poor Poor SECOND child.
{Three} Kikilarue is having a 25% off sale and I just purchased my first Maddie top! Go check it out!
{Four} I turn 29 Monday...last year in my twenties. Not sure how I feel about it. Come back Monday I'll let ya know!
{Five} I ordered some new Christmas leggings to wear Christmas Eve at the in-laws & I can't stinkin wait to get them!
Linking up with Darci at The Good life for Friday 5!
{One} My oldest is playing Joseph at his Christmas play tonight and I am so excited/ nervous for him! So many in our family are coming to watch! Prayers he remembers his lines & agrees to wear his costume.
{Two} Tomorrow is our family Birthday party for my Two year old! I haven't even ordered the cake yet! Poor Poor SECOND child.
{Three} Kikilarue is having a 25% off sale and I just purchased my first Maddie top! Go check it out!
{Four} I turn 29 Monday...last year in my twenties. Not sure how I feel about it. Come back Monday I'll let ya know!
{Five} I ordered some new Christmas leggings to wear Christmas Eve at the in-laws & I can't stinkin wait to get them!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Finish the Sentence...
Today I am linking up with Holly from The Stanfield Clan and Jake from Life of Jake for Finish the Sentence!

1. My favorite Christmas was...last year after we opened presents we packed up the car and headed to Colorado to our Cabin for a week!
2. The worst Christmas I had...was the year my sister and I found all the presents and nothing was a suprise. It sounded like a good idea at the time. Pretty sure this happened several years in a row and we still kept peeking! We aren't good at waiting!
3. That one gift that made me scratch my head and say, "Hmmmm" was...The tennis outfit my step grandmother gave me when I was 14 with matching tennis socks. Please note I have NEVER played a day of tennis in my LIFE.
4. One year I....went Black Friday shopping and was SO proud of myself Bc I got my little boy his tv from Santa! Picked it up at the store since I ordered online and put it in the closet. After opening presents he asked if we could hook it up! I started hooking it up and there were none of the right cords! Opened the manual and it was a computer screen! Had to tell my son it was broken! Then he asked why did Santa send a broken toy & how do we take it back?!
#momfail or #blondemomet at its finest!
5. I think the worst gift to give is...underwear. They are ok if they are in your stocking but if someone wraps them and puts them under the tree. NOT OK.
6. At Christmastime I Home Alone about 978,234 times. It never gets old!
7. Typically, family Christmas....Go to Christmas Eve service & Make cookies for Santa. Then Christmas day we eat lots of food, open presents then break out the beer and egg nogg! Yep we go to church then home to drink we are baptist what do you expect?
8. If I could change one thing about the Holiday season....we would go back to celebrating Thanksgiving before we started celebrating Christmas. Decorating wouldn't start until after Thanksgiving and Black Friday would actually be on Black Friday not on Thanksgiving day!
9. It is so hard to buy! I watch our online banking like a hawk! If he wants it to be a suprise he best be stashing some cash!
10. My favorite Christmas tradition is...elf on the shelf! That damn elf runs my life for 25 days of Decemer...NO JOKE I woke up at like 4 am in a panic Bc I forgot to move the damn thing! But I do love seeing my kids faces when they find him in the mornings!
Here are a few of Jingle Bells Pranks!
Lifting some weights!
11. Santa, baby, bring me a: michael kors watch, new shoes, michael kors purse or something that sparkles! I'm not picky just no undies please! :)
Happy Thursday Friends! :)
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Happy Birthday Memaw!
Today is my Memaw's Birthday.
She was an amazing woman that I strive to be more like every day! She is my dad's mother who was taken from us all too soon in 2004. My dad's parents were divorced so all of my childhood I remember splitting time between all the grandparents for Holidays. She only lived about an hour from us but we didn't see her near enough. We were always so busy with sports but you should never be to busy to visit family. She would come to my games when she could. And I always loved when she and my papa danny (her husband) would make it. I wish she knew how much I enjoyed her coming to watch.
If I could turn out to be 1/4 of the cook she was I would be proud. She made the best Mac & Cheese, Chocolate pie for my daddy, Apple pie for my uncle and SO much more. I always loved going to her house because I knew I would get to eat Vanilla Ice cream with enless amounts of Chocolate syrup on it & as many bowls as I wanted.
When she had my dad she lost all of her hair and it never came back. So she wore a wig all the time and it was always just perfect. One time my friend Whitney went with me to her house and saw her maican heads with the wigs and almost had a stroke. She had never seen those before so I had to explain. It was so funny! She had to have a ring on each finger and her nails painted and long (fake ones).
Some of my GREATEST childhood memories happened at her house. My cousins, sister and I always had so much fun playing at her house. The infamous yearly christmas pictures, chasing chickens and pretty much doing what ever we wanted at all times. I don't know that she EVER told us no.
She was diagnosed with diabetic ulcers on her legs before Mother's day the year she passed away. I saw her at my parents house for mothers day and she had bandages on her ankles where the ulcers were. I didn't think any thing of them really she was up walking around and acting like her normal self. She was a little swollen from the steroids they had her on. We had a great day and she was sure to tell me how proud she was of me for almost being done with my first year in college. If she only knew what really went on that year she might have spanked my butt! Actually she wouldn't have becasue she NEVER spanked us grandkids. We said our goodbyes and little did I know that was the second to last time I would see her.
I remember dad telling me that the ulcers weren't healing and she was having home health come change the bandages. Then one day I got a call just after I had moved home for the summer and mom said "Heather meet us at the hospital they don't think your grandmother is going to make it." The infection from the wounds got in her blood and they said there was nothing they could do as much as I can remember. My Memaw didn't look like her self at all she was swollen and sedated. Sometimes I wish I hadn't seen her like that but then I know I would be sad I didn't get to say goodbye.
Now as a nurse I know EVERYTHING about what happened to her was wrong and could have been prevented. It makes me sick to think that she should still be here with us. Then I think god must have needed her up in heaven and if he didn't take her this way then she may have gone another way. I think what if we would have stepped in earlier...what if what if what if. She was such a healthy lady and not a day goes by that I don't think of her.
What I woulnd't give for her to be here with us. To celebrate with my cousins, sister and I in all that we have done. And meet our children and spoil them like she did us. I know she watches down on us each and every day. One day I hope to have a little girl (hubby says no but we haven't decided for sure) so that I can name her after my Memaw. Happy Birthday I love you so much and miss you more than you will ever know!
Happy Wednesday Friends!
She was an amazing woman that I strive to be more like every day! She is my dad's mother who was taken from us all too soon in 2004. My dad's parents were divorced so all of my childhood I remember splitting time between all the grandparents for Holidays. She only lived about an hour from us but we didn't see her near enough. We were always so busy with sports but you should never be to busy to visit family. She would come to my games when she could. And I always loved when she and my papa danny (her husband) would make it. I wish she knew how much I enjoyed her coming to watch.
If I could turn out to be 1/4 of the cook she was I would be proud. She made the best Mac & Cheese, Chocolate pie for my daddy, Apple pie for my uncle and SO much more. I always loved going to her house because I knew I would get to eat Vanilla Ice cream with enless amounts of Chocolate syrup on it & as many bowls as I wanted.
When she had my dad she lost all of her hair and it never came back. So she wore a wig all the time and it was always just perfect. One time my friend Whitney went with me to her house and saw her maican heads with the wigs and almost had a stroke. She had never seen those before so I had to explain. It was so funny! She had to have a ring on each finger and her nails painted and long (fake ones).
Some of my GREATEST childhood memories happened at her house. My cousins, sister and I always had so much fun playing at her house. The infamous yearly christmas pictures, chasing chickens and pretty much doing what ever we wanted at all times. I don't know that she EVER told us no.
She was diagnosed with diabetic ulcers on her legs before Mother's day the year she passed away. I saw her at my parents house for mothers day and she had bandages on her ankles where the ulcers were. I didn't think any thing of them really she was up walking around and acting like her normal self. She was a little swollen from the steroids they had her on. We had a great day and she was sure to tell me how proud she was of me for almost being done with my first year in college. If she only knew what really went on that year she might have spanked my butt! Actually she wouldn't have becasue she NEVER spanked us grandkids. We said our goodbyes and little did I know that was the second to last time I would see her.
I remember dad telling me that the ulcers weren't healing and she was having home health come change the bandages. Then one day I got a call just after I had moved home for the summer and mom said "Heather meet us at the hospital they don't think your grandmother is going to make it." The infection from the wounds got in her blood and they said there was nothing they could do as much as I can remember. My Memaw didn't look like her self at all she was swollen and sedated. Sometimes I wish I hadn't seen her like that but then I know I would be sad I didn't get to say goodbye.
Now as a nurse I know EVERYTHING about what happened to her was wrong and could have been prevented. It makes me sick to think that she should still be here with us. Then I think god must have needed her up in heaven and if he didn't take her this way then she may have gone another way. I think what if we would have stepped in earlier...what if what if what if. She was such a healthy lady and not a day goes by that I don't think of her.
What I woulnd't give for her to be here with us. To celebrate with my cousins, sister and I in all that we have done. And meet our children and spoil them like she did us. I know she watches down on us each and every day. One day I hope to have a little girl (hubby says no but we haven't decided for sure) so that I can name her after my Memaw. Happy Birthday I love you so much and miss you more than you will ever know!
Happy Wednesday Friends!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Tuesday TEN round TWO!
I enjoyed Tuesday Ten with Samantha at Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides so much I'm doing it again this week!
1. Yesterday my baby boy turned two and I pouted all day long. I am not ready for him to grow up and not be a baby. He could possibly be my last since I can't convince my hubby that we need to give it one more go for a girl!
2. Being stuck in the house all weekend isn't my cup of tea AT ALL. I love to be busy and have somewhere to go 24/7.
3. When will Texans learn how to really prepare our roads for a winter storm weather it be snow, ice or sleet? The people were prepared to stay at home for days from the looks of the grocery store but I feel like we should not have to STAY home for 4 days straight bc of ice. I feel like people up north live with multiple ice storms a year and still function.
4. I guess the TV channels didn't get the memo that we were stuck in the house for 4 days because there wasn't crap on to watch. Get with the program!
5. When walking into Walmart the little Salvation Army man was ringing his bell! Got about an arms link from him as he says "Merry Christmas" my oldest say "oh my gosh that is SO annoying" never fails kids say things at the most awful times! Haha
6. I laugh every time someone rides my ass then I end up right next to them at a light! Serves you right a-hole!
7. Came home from work yesterday to find my husband IN the garage boiling a hog head! Are you kidding me?!? Such a red-neck but he is making extra money so can I even complain? The answer is YES! Yes I can!
8. Kanye West is such a jerk! And that's saying it nicely! Kim kardashian you should be ashamed you let him knock you up and now your going to marry his rude ass!
9. While grocery shopping yesterday I came across an amazing deal! 3 boxes of Chritmas Tree Cakes for $5! Sure did buy three boxes and felt pretty good about it! They will look fab on my hips or butt wherever they land!
10. That moment when you wake up out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night & think crap I forgot to move the damn Elf! Ya that happened this morning! Not ok he is taking over my life haha
Hope y'all have a FABULOUS Tuesday & Stay warm!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Weekend Wrap up & my baby's Birthday!
This weekend didn't go as planned AT all! A horrible Ice/Snow/sleet storm came in on Thursday night! School and work canceled Friday & Shelby's flight! Like 5 times actually!
She ended up getting to Texas FINALLY after like 32 hrs of Traveling. Unfortunately I could not make it up to the metroplex to her due to the row conditions!
Today we are home for the 4th day of the ice storm! But today is our baby boys 2nd Birthday!!!!
How in the world is he 2 already?!? Momma is having a tough time with it!
Two years ago today I went into labor with our second baby boy! Contractions started about 2 am they weren't close enough together but it was Friday and I was scheduled to induce that Monday at 39 weeks! My doctor had told me earlier that day that if they started I could come in and she WOULDNT send me home! Well that's something you don't say to a 39 wk preg woman WHO is MISERABLE an just over it!
After an hr of contractions to the hospital we went! They kept me and started pitocen to help me move along a little more starting at 6 am. About 10-11 I received my epidural!
This is the funny part! So they give your epidural while your dying in pain with contractions! Your contracting an they are telling you to be still so they can stick a needle the size of china in your back! So hubs was there giving me moral support and holding me! All the sudden I feel him get heavy then FALL to the groud and start snoring! He passed out! The nurse pressed the call light an yelled we need help in here!
They woke him up an he was fine he didn't realize what happened and felt terrible! We laugh about it now ALL the time!
I then gave birth to our sweet baby boy at 5pm. He was 6lbs 12oz and 21in long! The exact same size as his big brother!
Seeing our 3.5 yr old meet his little brother for the first time was a moment I will never forget! He was so excited and loved him just as much as we did! It couldn't have gone any better!
It's been a FUN two years and I can't wait to see what the future holds for my sweet boy!
Friday, December 6, 2013
CRAZY Texas Weather.
Whoop whoop it's Friday!!! I have been looking forward to this weekend for SO long! Texas and it's BIPOlAR weather are trying to mess it up but I refuse to let it!
No milk either!
So on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the temps were in the 70's and Wednesday we even hit 80! Yes 80 in December! Then yesterday it was 30! Yep dropped 50 degrees in less than 24 hours!
The cold part isn't bad it's the rain/ice/sleet that this weather storm brought with it. Us Texans freak out a little when they say ice, below freezing, sleet or snow! You think I'm kidding this is the bread isle at Walmart on Wednesday night!
Yep NO bread left!
The chip and water isles looked exactly the same! COMPLETLEY bare! Like I said people here freak out! They think we are going to be stuck at home for weeks or something! I'm sorry but if I absolutely had to I could live out of what's in my fridge/pantry! It might not be what I want but it would work!
I def did not buy a million groceries Bc I WILL NOT stay home for that long and I I really need something I can go to the store even if the roads are icy!
Any who! This weekend is the HUGE kikilarue event & I get to meet my blog BFF Shelby! I can't wait & I won't let this weather stop me! Her first flight out this morning was canceled...ugh waiting and praying she gets on the one tonight! I have been looking so forward to this kid free, shopping and friends day! Come on MOTHER NATURE help a sister out!
Check back Monday to hear all about my fun weekend because it IS going to happen!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Christmas Traditions: Movies & Rituals
Today I am linking up with Sally from The Stanfield Clan & Amy from The story of Us for Christmas Traditions Link up!

One of my favorite things about Christmas is watching countless Christmas Movies! In Texas that and the decor is usually the only thing that gets us in the spirit because it sure doesn't feel like Christmas time {80 degrees yestersay but maybe 30 with ice on Friday...the grocery store is out of every thing because people think we are going to be snowed in for days haha CRAZY TEXANS}!
Here are a few of my favorite Christmas Movies:
There are so many more that I just love including EVERY single sappy hallmark Christmas movie ever created!
Our Christmas ritual consist of splitting time between my family and the in-laws. Usually we are with one of them on Christmas Eve and the other Christmas Day. The tricky part is my family does Christmas morning early with Santa and exchanging our gifts and hubbys family does their own Christmas at their house then meets at his moms for lunch. So we are usually able to swing both families Christmas day which I love because my parents have never had to miss a Christmas morning with the kids.
Top left: 2008 Brayden's 1st Christmas
Since we now have two kids we have tried to do Chrismas at our house every year because lets face it traveling with two kids, a dog, Santa's presents who have to be a secret and our present isn't easy at ALL. This year we are doing things a little different because my grandpa is getting up there in age and I don't know how many more Christmas' he will be around. He doesn't travel for Christmas or hardly ever unless its to the coast to fish!
This year we will be having Christmas Eve with the in-laws then drive to Austin to my parents later that night after we finish Christmas there. We will wake up at the CRACK of dawn to open gifts {I'm usually the first up due to EXCITMENT}! Then have lunch at my parents with two sets of my grandparents, uncle and cousin, parents, sister & soon to be brother in law. We are then going to stay for the rest of the week and spend time there.
I couldn't be more excited about our plans this year even though it will be tough with the traveling. It is so important to me to get to spend as much time as possible with my family since I don't see them near enough (they live 3 hrs away)! So lucky to have a hubby that is on board and ready for me to drag him along.
Hope everyone has a GREAT Thursday & a HAPPY HOLIDAY season.

One of my favorite things about Christmas is watching countless Christmas Movies! In Texas that and the decor is usually the only thing that gets us in the spirit because it sure doesn't feel like Christmas time {80 degrees yestersay but maybe 30 with ice on Friday...the grocery store is out of every thing because people think we are going to be snowed in for days haha CRAZY TEXANS}!
Here are a few of my favorite Christmas Movies:
1. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation! I laugh my ass off EVERY time!
2. Home Alone! My sister and I use to watch that movie at least twice daily as children even when it wasn't Christmas time!
3. Santa buddies! One of the cutest movies ever! LOVE watching it with my boys!
4. The Santa Clause! My sister an I wore this one out too!
5. ELF!!! The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear!
There are so many more that I just love including EVERY single sappy hallmark Christmas movie ever created!
Our Christmas ritual consist of splitting time between my family and the in-laws. Usually we are with one of them on Christmas Eve and the other Christmas Day. The tricky part is my family does Christmas morning early with Santa and exchanging our gifts and hubbys family does their own Christmas at their house then meets at his moms for lunch. So we are usually able to swing both families Christmas day which I love because my parents have never had to miss a Christmas morning with the kids.
Bottom left: 2009 can't find 2010 lol
Top right: 2011 Tate's first Christmas (poor orange jaundice baby)
Bottom right: 2012!
Since we now have two kids we have tried to do Chrismas at our house every year because lets face it traveling with two kids, a dog, Santa's presents who have to be a secret and our present isn't easy at ALL. This year we are doing things a little different because my grandpa is getting up there in age and I don't know how many more Christmas' he will be around. He doesn't travel for Christmas or hardly ever unless its to the coast to fish!
This year we will be having Christmas Eve with the in-laws then drive to Austin to my parents later that night after we finish Christmas there. We will wake up at the CRACK of dawn to open gifts {I'm usually the first up due to EXCITMENT}! Then have lunch at my parents with two sets of my grandparents, uncle and cousin, parents, sister & soon to be brother in law. We are then going to stay for the rest of the week and spend time there.
I couldn't be more excited about our plans this year even though it will be tough with the traveling. It is so important to me to get to spend as much time as possible with my family since I don't see them near enough (they live 3 hrs away)! So lucky to have a hubby that is on board and ready for me to drag him along.
Hope everyone has a GREAT Thursday & a HAPPY HOLIDAY season.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Birthday & Christmas Wish list
My birthday is in TWO weeks and Christmas is in THREE weeks! I have been looking for things I want to make a list for my Hubby, mom and grandma. Here is what I came up with!
1. Michael Kors watch...I need this in my life my other watch broke. By broke I mean the battery is broken and its WAY more fun to get a new watch than just a new battery! Hubby disagrees and I CAN'T figure out why :)
Happy Hump Day y'all!!!
1. Michael Kors watch...I need this in my life my other watch broke. By broke I mean the battery is broken and its WAY more fun to get a new watch than just a new battery! Hubby disagrees and I CAN'T figure out why :)
2. Michael Kors Purse. I have been carrying my current one for a while now and its just time for a new one. Haven't picked one out yet just know I WANT one.
3. Fiesta Dishes in Turquoise...I feel like this qualifies me as old. Who asks for dishes for christmas? This girl Those things are expensive! haha
4. New shoes...I have had my current shoes for WAY too long and I wear them to work every day! It't time.
3. Fiesta Dishes in Turquoise...I feel like this qualifies me as old. Who asks for dishes for christmas? This girl Those things are expensive! haha
4. New shoes...I have had my current shoes for WAY too long and I wear them to work every day! It't time.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Tuesday 10...Round 1
Today is my first time doing Tuesday 10 with Samantha at Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides .
So here goes.
1. Hands down worst thing ever is a sick male. A headache, sinus infection, runny nose or stomach ache and they are DYING. Yet us women are expected to go on like nothings is wrong when we have any of the above! Women ARE tougher than men no questions.
2. People with no common sense get on my nerves. I have my occasional ok maybe more than occasional blonde moments but I still have common sense.
3. In 4 days I get to meet my new bff I met in blogland and I can't friggin wait. Some of you prob think that's weird. Read my past post and you will understand.
4. Who in the world came up with White Elephant exchanges? I mean how is it a good idea to wrap up your piece of junk in exchange for someone elses.
5. I guess some parents didn't get the memo that its NOT ok to take you kids Black Friday shopping at 2AM!!! I have never seen so many little kids out with their parents Black Friday shopping. I understand some don't have an option for child care but I don't know of any item that would be worth keeping my children out ALL NIGHT LONG!
6. When did black Friday become Black Thursday. I wish the stores would go back to the way they use to do things and start sales on BLACK FRIDAY not Thanksgiving day!
7. I love the person who created white out. Not the liquid one but the correction tape. It's amazing and I'm unsure if I could live without it.
8. Making my Christmas list was so much more fun when I was younger because I knew I would prob get a lot of the stuff on it. Now with kids my list is super short because lets face it when you have kids everyone buys for them not you. I am fine with it. Seeing the look on thier face is so worth it!
9. Isn't it ironic that these elf of a shelf cause so much trouble and messes in our house yet they are the ones who report to Santa about the kids bad behavior. Maybe I will make our Elf behave. But prob not because we have too much FUN with him being mischevious.
10. Last night my dog Roxy died and I'm in a foul mood. Pretty much everything is pissing me off. I probably should have stayed in bed.
This is my Roxy girl!
Hope yall have a great Tuesday Friends.
So here goes.
1. Hands down worst thing ever is a sick male. A headache, sinus infection, runny nose or stomach ache and they are DYING. Yet us women are expected to go on like nothings is wrong when we have any of the above! Women ARE tougher than men no questions.
2. People with no common sense get on my nerves. I have my occasional ok maybe more than occasional blonde moments but I still have common sense.
3. In 4 days I get to meet my new bff I met in blogland and I can't friggin wait. Some of you prob think that's weird. Read my past post and you will understand.
4. Who in the world came up with White Elephant exchanges? I mean how is it a good idea to wrap up your piece of junk in exchange for someone elses.
5. I guess some parents didn't get the memo that its NOT ok to take you kids Black Friday shopping at 2AM!!! I have never seen so many little kids out with their parents Black Friday shopping. I understand some don't have an option for child care but I don't know of any item that would be worth keeping my children out ALL NIGHT LONG!
6. When did black Friday become Black Thursday. I wish the stores would go back to the way they use to do things and start sales on BLACK FRIDAY not Thanksgiving day!
7. I love the person who created white out. Not the liquid one but the correction tape. It's amazing and I'm unsure if I could live without it.
8. Making my Christmas list was so much more fun when I was younger because I knew I would prob get a lot of the stuff on it. Now with kids my list is super short because lets face it when you have kids everyone buys for them not you. I am fine with it. Seeing the look on thier face is so worth it!
9. Isn't it ironic that these elf of a shelf cause so much trouble and messes in our house yet they are the ones who report to Santa about the kids bad behavior. Maybe I will make our Elf behave. But prob not because we have too much FUN with him being mischevious.
10. Last night my dog Roxy died and I'm in a foul mood. Pretty much everything is pissing me off. I probably should have stayed in bed.
This is my Roxy girl!
Miss her already...but not she is in heaven and can run for days and chew on ANYTHING she wants {when she was a puppy she chewed an extension cord that was plugged in} !
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