Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday 10...Round 1

Today is my first time doing Tuesday 10 with Samantha at Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides .

Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

So here goes.

1. Hands down worst thing ever is a sick male. A headache, sinus infection, runny nose or stomach ache and they are DYING. Yet us women are expected to go on like nothings is wrong when we have any of the above! Women ARE tougher than men no questions.

2. People with no common sense get on my nerves. I have my occasional ok maybe more than occasional blonde moments but I still have common sense.

3. In 4 days I get to meet my new bff I met in blogland and I can't friggin wait. Some of you prob think that's weird. Read my past post and you will understand.

4. Who in the world came up with White Elephant exchanges? I mean how is it a good idea to wrap up your piece of junk in exchange for someone elses.

5. I guess some parents didn't get the memo that its NOT ok to take you kids Black Friday shopping at 2AM!!! I have never seen so many little kids out with their parents Black Friday shopping. I understand some don't have an option for child care but I don't know of any item that would be worth keeping my children out ALL NIGHT LONG!

6. When did black Friday become Black Thursday. I wish the stores would go back to the way they use to do things and start sales on BLACK FRIDAY not Thanksgiving day!

7. I love the person who created white out. Not the liquid one but the correction tape. It's amazing and I'm unsure if I could live without it.

8. Making my Christmas list was so much more fun when I was younger because I knew I would prob get a lot of the stuff on it. Now with kids my list is super short because lets face it when you have kids everyone buys for them not you. I am fine with it. Seeing the look on thier face is so worth it!

9. Isn't it ironic that these elf of a shelf cause so much trouble and messes in our house yet they are the ones who report to Santa about the kids bad behavior. Maybe I will make our Elf behave. But prob not because we have too much FUN with him being mischevious.

10. Last night my dog Roxy died and I'm in a foul mood. Pretty much everything is pissing me off. I probably should have stayed in bed.

This is my Roxy girl!

Miss her already...but not she is in heaven and can run for days and chew on ANYTHING she wants {when she was a puppy she chewed an extension cord that was plugged in} ! 

Hope yall have a great Tuesday Friends.

1 comment:

  1. I loved it!!!! Couldn't agree MORE with #1 and excited to hear more about #3. Sorry about your pup. :(
    Thanks for the link up!
