Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday TEN round TWO!

I enjoyed Tuesday Ten with Samantha at Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides so much I'm doing it again this week!

Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

1. Yesterday my baby boy turned two and I pouted all day long. I am not ready for him to grow up and not be a baby. He could possibly be my last since I can't convince my hubby that we need to give it one more go for a girl!

2. Being stuck in the house all weekend isn't my cup of tea AT ALL. I love to be busy and have somewhere to go 24/7.

3. When will Texans learn how to really prepare our roads for a winter storm weather it be snow, ice or sleet? The people were prepared to stay at home for days from the looks of the grocery store but I feel like we should not have to STAY home for 4 days straight bc of ice. I feel like people up north live with multiple ice storms a year and still function. 

4. I guess the TV channels didn't get the memo that we were stuck in the house for 4 days because there wasn't crap on to watch. Get with the program!  

5.  When walking into Walmart the little Salvation Army man was ringing his bell! Got about an arms link from him as he says "Merry Christmas" my oldest say "oh my gosh that is SO annoying" never fails kids say things at the most awful times! Haha 

6. I laugh every time someone rides my ass then I end up right next to them at a light! Serves you right a-hole! 

7. Came home from work yesterday to find my husband IN the garage boiling a hog head! Are you kidding me?!? Such a red-neck but he is making extra money so can I even complain? The answer is YES! Yes I can! 

8. Kanye West is such a jerk! And that's saying it nicely! Kim kardashian you should be ashamed you let him knock you up and now your going to marry his rude ass! 

9. While grocery shopping yesterday I came across an amazing deal! 3 boxes of Chritmas Tree Cakes for $5! Sure did buy three boxes and felt pretty good about it! They will look fab on my hips or butt wherever they land! 

10. That moment when you wake up out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night & think crap I forgot to move the damn Elf! Ya that happened this morning! Not ok he is taking over my life haha 

Hope y'all have a FABULOUS Tuesday & Stay warm! 

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