Friday, December 20, 2013

It's Friday and I CAN'T MOVE!

TGIF!!!!!! What a week...Started with my Birthday Monday & Field Trip with the big one Wednesday!

This week they opened up a new Cross Fit here in Cleburne. Its FREE for the month of December & my husband talked me into trying it for the first time on Monday MY BIRTHDAY! Crazy Idea I know but I went for it.

When we got there along with about 45 other people I instantly though OMG why in the hell are you doing this. Half of the people were super SERIOUS workout freaks and then there were some that maybe had worked out a few time in there life and then a few like me. I played sports all my life and consider my self "athletic" but with two kids and a full time job I don't usually have time for working out. If I do its usually just running. Which I havent run in over three months. I haven't lifted weights since high school I'm sure.

They started explaining the work out: 4 rounds of run 300 meters, 20 kettle bell swings and 10 box jumps. As they were explaining I though ok they obviously don't see my legs and how short they are there is no way I will be able to JUMP on that box esp not 10 times. Then she said if you can't jump you can step....THANK you LORD. The time limit was 20 min.

So we started and I went in a heat with ALL girls thank goodness. By the last round I though to my self glad I picked my 29th Birthday to do this because I wont make it to 30.  I ended up finishing 5th in our group of girls & survivied. There are no words to explain how awful I felt.

About an hour after the work out I started to feel sore....not sure how that is possible. Then next day of course I was SO sore mostly in my back. I thought I had done something wrong. I decided not to go on Tuesday. By Wednesday I was even more sore if thats even possible from day one but I decided it was time to give it another go!

I most def lost my mind when I decided this! Wednesdays work out was: Push ups, Sumo dead lifts, medicine ball sit ups and jumping lunges. They were in stations and you would do 8 20min rounds of each then move to the next station. First up was Sumo Dead lifts...lift a kettle bell up to your chin from the ground basically. I did 8 of those each round. Next up was the push ups. My arms already wanted to die from the dead lifts I had done. I ended up with 6 push ups each round. My arms were SHOT after that. Then was sit ups with a medicine ball & I got 7 each round on that. Last was jumping lunges AKA DEATH. I only ended up with 5 of those each round and seriously collapsed at the end. I also hit my knee REALLY hard several times and have wounds to prove it. BUT I made it through the entire work out even though after I could not lift my arms straighten my arms or hardly walk I FINISHED.

That night I went home ate dinner and took a bath about an hr after I had been home & I was already feeling the soreness. Took my phone with me incase I had any problems. I sat in HOT water for about 30 min and thought ok its time to get out. Started to get out and it hurt so bad I couldn't do it. I was STUCK in the bath this for real? YES your 29 doing a workout that you have no business doing. So I went to grab the handle that turns on the water and pulled on it....That stupid thing came right off. NOW I was really in trouble. I could NOT call my husband to come help me out me would die. So eventually I sucked it up and got out. The pain of drying off, putting on my clothes was AWFUL. I was dreading the next morning and my husband was DYING laughing at me the whole way through.

I took off again yesterday due to EXTREME soreness and I don't want to injure myself the first week trying this out. So I am debating trying again today. I am SO sore I can't walk correctly, put my hair in a pony tail or sit on the toilet without SERIOUS pain. Maybe twice the first week is good enough. I dont want to get in the habit of not going but I also don't want to injure myself.

Stay tuned because I may not be going back today but I AM going back! Happy Friday Friends! :)

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