Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday 10...2013 recap!

This week I'm doing Tuesday 10 with Samantha at Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides again but today I'm doing 10 random things about 2013!

Airplane Rides & Guacamole Sides Tuesday Ten

1. Brayden played his first season of T-ball. This was a day I looked forward to for as long as I can remember. I had NO idea how stressful it is to be a t-ball mom! Esp since I grew up playing softball my whole life. His coach wasn't the brightest and it took all I had to keep my composure most games. CRAZY I know its just t-ball but its a BIG deal!

2. Tate got tubes in his ears and it was the best decision we have ever made! After that he started sleeping through the night again and talking up a storm! Maybe too much talking and repeating.

3. I learned you must make time for "adult" time when you have kids. Its healthy for all involved even if its just a kid free dinner with friends its important.

4. We experienced a Tornado in 2013 that destroyed our neighborhood. It is something I NEVER want to go through again but I know this is out of my control! It was by far the scariest thing ever holding onto my babies in that bath tub listening to this awful LOUD noise.

5. After #4 I learned that we couldn't be more blessed to live in such an amazing community and have so many wonderful people. The city of Cleburne came together to help each other even complete strangers pick up the pieces and it was nothing short of amazing!

6. Brayden {the oldest} started Pre-K. It was no easy task taking him into his first day of Pre-K screaming CRYING and saying "Mom please don't leave me here" Please god let the first day of Kindergarten be MUCH easier!

7. I started blogging...This was the best decision EVER. I have met AMAZING friends through blogging and become closer to ones I already had! My husband thinks it's crazy but I think he is crazy so there! haha

8. I took a leap of faith and changed jobs in August. It turned out for the BEST and I am so glad to have a job that I love taking care of my sweet patients.

9. My oldest dreams came true in October when he met his favorite singer EVER Aaron Watson. Nothing better than seeing your child's dreams come true. I cried tears of joy that night!

10. I turned 29 & started the last year of my twenties! I plan to make EVERY day count from here until December 16, 2014!

2013 was an amazing year for my family and I! We made and lost some friendships, achieved goals, became closer as a family, and so much more! I know that 2014 will be just as great if not better!

Happy New Years Eve Friends!  

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