Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Birthday & Christmas Wish list

My birthday is in TWO weeks and Christmas is in THREE weeks! I have been looking for things I want to make a list for my Hubby, mom and grandma. Here is what I came up with!

1. Michael Kors watch...I need this in my life my other watch broke. By broke I mean the battery is broken and its WAY more fun to get a new watch than just a new battery! Hubby disagrees and I CAN'T figure out why :)
Isn't she pretty? Ya I thought so too! Hubs almost died when he saw the price! 

2. Michael Kors Purse. I have been carrying my current one for a while now and its just time for a new one. Haven't picked one out yet just know I WANT one.

3. Fiesta Dishes in Turquoise...I feel like this qualifies me as old. Who asks for dishes for christmas? This girl Those things are expensive! haha

4. New shoes...I have had my current shoes for WAY too long and I wear them to work every day! It't time. 

They are kid size so they are cheaper! This means I def need them! 

5. More clothes from KIKILARUE! I sent my hubby a text with their email address just incase he needed assistance! I said if you email them you can see my wish list & buy something from there or all of if! He laughed!

Happy Hump Day y'all!!!

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